Season Card info now on OS

Not read the whole thread so apologies if already mentioned.We all know the match day prices are a lot more expensive than season cards so may be the club are trying to close the gap between cost of individual matches and season cards.This is only a relevant point if the club freezes match day prices.
The death of the cheaper admission prices and the casual fan ended with the introduction of all seater stadiums.If you wanted to rough it and just turn up and go to a game,you jumped on a bus or train,queued up at a turnstile,paid cash and took your chances of getting a good speck on the terraces.

Me and my mate Noel used to get to Maine Road as kids as soon as the gates opened,pay 2/6d to get in the scoreboard and jump over the wall,run along the pitch and jump over the next wall into the Kippax.We saved 6d on using the transfer gates to get in the Kippax,which for a kid was a lot of money.There was no CCTV in those days and no coppers in place that early so it was easy peasy.Even as kids we ''maximised our income''as someone said,our income being our spends[pocket money] by caddying at golf clubs and paper rounds.

These days you have to book your ticket weeks in advance if not a season ticket holder and pay through the nose for it.For me i think £35 should be the top whack for a league game and i would expect to pay more for semi finals and finals as has always been the case.

The people who compare football to buying a cheaper or more expensive laptop or a pair of trainers know nothing about football.You don't have a CHOICE! Your club is your club for life and once hooked you can't just walk away,or choose a cheaper club to support,there is a deep emotional connection.

It is also arrogant to the extreme to think everyone can just find a better paid job or take the time,cost and effort to retrain for one,life just isn't that simple or easy.Also,how do you know people are spending a lot of money on booze,cigarettes or pies,they may be using all of their disposable income following City as it is.

These arrogant posters remind me of Marie Antoinette and her ''Let them eat cake'' statement and we all know what happened to her!You need to be very careful,your life may be all roses now and you can afford every price hike easily,but it can all cgange in an instant and you may be on the outside looking in!
Didn't even realise the prices were out. Just had a look online and mine in 206 has gone up about £85.

While the price rise in our block over the years has been very high, I still think I am getting reasonable value for money. Just annoying for the champions league games when we get turfed out for all the european prawn butty munchers.

On the whole though, prices for football are ridiculous. A rag mate pays around the same price as me in the Shitford End with a much inferior view than I get in my seat at city. Then obviously Arsenal fans pay stupid amounts anyway
johnmc said:
How much have tickets gone up since he takeover?

I'm in CB3 and I think I paid £460 in 2008. It may have been a bit more, but if it was, it wasn't by much. It had been the same price since we moved to the new stadium.

It is now £730, an increase of 60%.

It makes me laugh now when I remember the rumours on here about free season tickets after the takeover. It made me laugh at the time as well.

Ticket prices were only ever going to go one way, as we are now seeing. I feel for the supporters who can no longer attend games due to the prices. I used to watch the games with some friends. We went home and away for years, but I'm now the only one left of the five of us still going as they have been slowly priced out.

It's now a business trying to maximise it's revenue, and it's a bit like Rolls Royce or Bentley. They concentrate on those that can afford their product, and don't bother about those that can't.

Prices will carry on going up year on year, and for every supporter who drops out because they can't afford it, a new one with deeper pockets will replace them. Sure, the club are offering cheaper tickets in the new south stand, but I wouldn't expect those tickets to remain at £300 for very long.
Apologists harp on about the Value Cards but they're heavily restricted. You can't choose your seat, you can't buy two together (what's Dad & Son or two Brothers supposed to do?), they're non-refundable and they're really limited. It's something like 1 in 85 or so. Most seats will be Row W or T in the 3rd tiers although, for pure tokenism, they'll shove the occasional applicant in to random seats in 107 or 210 that they can't normally fill. Furthermore, if the new stand(s) are largely populated by newcomers then the atmosphere and general banter in there will be poor in comparison to where we're used to. I'll let it roll over to quarterly Direct Debit payments from July (£150 a time) but, if I can get the cash together, then I'll pay it all off before the first payment is taken.

Does anyone also know whether Viagogogogogo is exclusive to Platinum and Superbia again? I strongly disagree with the fees and prices but, in extreme desperation, I can pass my seat on when I have work or family commitments to ensure someone else can use it. I'll list it at the lowest price possible too.
citytill1die84 said:
johnmc said:
How much have tickets gone up since he takeover?

I paid £580 in Level 3 when ground 1st opened I'm now level 1 and I've just paid £635.

There's not one set answer but I've gone up from £500 new to £507 renewed to £550 renewed to £600 renewed in 216 over 4 seasons. From memory, early Seasoncards up there were £350.
peoffrey said:
citytill1die84 said:
johnmc said:
How much have tickets gone up since he takeover?

I paid £580 in Level 3 when ground 1st opened I'm now level 1 and I've just paid £635.

There's not one set answer but I've gone up from £500 new to £507 renewed to £550 renewed to £600 renewed in 216 over 4 seasons. From memory, early Seasoncards up there were £350.

£350 not a chance mate reason I moved from top to bottom was to save myself £s I renewed after 2 seasons to South Stand and it cost me £460
I'm just wondering if theres a waiting list for a season ticket or if its just as simple as buying one?
I'm looking to get one for the season after next so if anyone could give me some info would be great.
tried contacting the club but no joy couldn't even speak to anyone

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