Season Card Reservations/Relocations Direct Debit update 11/6

Just a quick update to anyone else that were concerned if they may get a season ticket or not.

I was 7179 on the list, and was my date today , got one no problem at all back in the south stand after a year sabbatical .

On a rough count there were about 200 individual seats from 121-116.

Think many may have problems getting two together but with have no friends it didn't bother me, even got an aisle seat for my fat thighs.

Sorry also forgot to mention I only looked at South Stand.
Does anyone else think City will do a 2nd round of attempted sales by contacting those who have declined the 1st offer?

Haven't got a clue how and if the club are going to do it, but it doesn't make sense to have unsold season tickets with x amount of people deciding not to buy a season ticket after being on the waiting list.

Got a feeling the staff at the ticket office maybe busy this Summer with follow up calls. Then again I could be completely wrong.
Does anyone else think City will do a 2nd round of attempted sales by contacting those who have declined the 1st offer?

Haven't got a clue how and if the club are going to do it, but it doesn't make sense to have unsold season tickets with x amount of people deciding not to buy a season ticket after being on the waiting list.

Got a feeling the staff at the ticket office maybe busy this Summer with follow up calls. Then again I could be completely wrong.

I'm absolutely sure they will be because they are not idiots and have sales targets to meet.

I'm wondering if they might significantly extend that £299 thing they do, where you get allocated a seat. This could mean they can shift some of the less desirable seats at the front and back on the cheap to price-sensitive customers, whilst keeping the more saleable seats for match to match or full price season ticket sales.

It also gives them an answer for existing season ticket holders who have paid a lot more: your seat is the one you chose, these guys could be plonked anywhere.
I'm absolutely sure they will be because they are not idiots and have sales targets to meet.

I'm wondering if they might significantly extend that £299 thing they do, where you get allocated a seat. This could mean they can shift some of the less desirable seats at the front and back on the cheap to price-sensitive customers, whilst keeping the more saleable seats for match to match or full price season ticket sales.

It also gives them an answer for existing season ticket holders who have paid a lot more: your seat is the one you chose, these guys could be plonked anywhere.

Think it will depend how far short of selling out of season tickets they are when they get through the list, that's if they aren't sold out by then. If they are just a few hundred short they might just say they are sold out anyway and try and try and sell more match day tickets. If it's a thousand or so they may go back through the list, especially if we have made a couple of signings by then. They could also put them on open sale. I'd be very surprised though if they have enough left though to start reducing prices as it would upset the 40 odd thousand who have already bought.
The plan must be though to sell out to encourage new people to join the waiting list especially if they are planning to get on with the North stand in October as has been suggested is likely.
Just a quick update to anyone else that were concerned if they may get a season ticket or not.

I was 7179 on the list, and was my date today , got one no problem at all back in the south stand after a year sabbatical .

On a rough count there were about 200 individual seats from 121-116.

Think many may have problems getting two together but with have no friends it didn't bother me, even got an aisle seat for my fat thighs.
Sorry also forgot to mention I only looked at South Stand.
Thanks for the update. Out of interest were there any seats in the 3rd tier of the South Stand?

200 or so singles in the bottom of the South Stand sounds like sales are going very well. Might be a different case in the more expensive areas.
Let's have a look at what the club have actually said in the past:-

1 The aim of the extension was to increase season ticket sales, match day tickets available to home fans and the away allocation.
2 Surveys have shown that there is a significant demand for a semi-corporate package (the premium seats).
3 The Waiting List and stadium fill rate will determine if and when we proceed with further expansion.

Personally I think that the club will be aiming for sales of roundabout 42,000. That would represent a significant increase on previous sales but still leave 13,000 spare seats for match day sales (home and away fans) versus 11,000 in 2013/14. To me once the target is hit that's it.I would expect that the target will be hit roundabout the time we reach the end of the Waiting List. If we fell significantly short of the target (less than 40,000) I doubt we would reduce prices significantly that would make no sense at all but would open up sales to those not on the Waiting List. Ultra cheap pricing would piss off those who have already paid and give a false sense of demand for the North Stand extension.A very few Value Gold type tickets may be sold to get rid of individual seats. The posts I've read indicate a good take up of the premium seats and large numbers of people on the Waiting List buying seats priced above the £299 and £380 prices. Not everybody on the Waiting List wanted a cheap seat some wanted more expensive ones. Let's wait and see how it turns out but I don't think there's any need to panic just yet.
Fwiw my window was yesterday. I only looked at the east and west stands and hardly any of the back 4-6 rows of both 3rd tiers had been sold.
Fwiw my window was yesterday. I only looked at the east and west stands and hardly any of the back 4-6 rows of both 3rd tiers had been sold.

They may not be they are the ones that go on sale for matchday tickets . I don't think they have ever been bought by season ticket holders.
Think it will depend how far short of selling out of season tickets they are when they get through the list, that's if they aren't sold out by then. If they are just a few hundred short they might just say they are sold out anyway and try and try and sell more match day tickets. If it's a thousand or so they may go back through the list, especially if we have made a couple of signings by then. They could also put them on open sale. I'd be very surprised though if they have enough left though to start reducing prices as it would upset the 40 odd thousand who have already bought.
The plan must be though to sell out to encourage new people to join the waiting list especially if they are planning to get on with the North stand in October as has been suggested is likely.

I think we will have absolutely tons of season tickets to sell. The club are going to be sensitive about not selling out next season as people like to use it as a stick to hit the club with, and of course the club needs some financial justification for the outlay.

I think there's some serious over-estimation of demand going on, though. I think to get significantly over 40,000 season tickets we will have to be discounting, offering free cup games and all that.
I think the club will sell the vast majority of the ones they had planned on selling (perhaps even all) but if there's a few less desirable seats remaining,it wouldn't surprise me if they make them available at lower prices and offer them to those on the waiting list that haven't taken up the option.

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