Season Tickets - 2024/25

If it works in Asda, it can only be that your season card has not loaded properly in your wallet, delete and re install your sc should fix it . Who is your phone network with ? as it might be worth calling into them to check your phone
Works with NFC, nowt to do with carrier/network.
I'm 60 next february, if i had to go to every game and stand and queue to get a paper ticket,i told them today its the end for me.

About going to the ground,thats to see someone from their tech department,to try to get my seasoncard back into my google wallet, today, she tried on the phone to send 2 verifications txts to me,to enable me to get up and running,both failed,what ever it was she was trying to do ended in failure.
Did you actually receive those texts? Some systems send texts to the embedded original number on the sim card rather than the actual phone number. - I think this mainly a Samsung issue and in some cases can be resolved by requesting a new sim with the correct number embedded.
I don't know what I did correctly, but I got a new phone after the semi-final last season, logged out of everything on my old phone, and the new one pulled in all the apps including Google Wallet containing my season ticket.
Did you actually receive those texts? Some systems send texts to the embedded original number on the sim card rather than the actual phone number. - I think this mainly a Samsung issue and in some cases can be resolved by requesting a new sim with the correct number embedded.
I don't know what I did correctly, but I got a new phone after the semi-final last season, logged out of everything on my old phone, and the new one pulled in all the apps including Google Wallet containing my season ticket.
i received the two txt yes.

Iv logged out of everything on my old phone,still wouldnt work last week,and now refuses to download aftet i deleted it.
i received the two txt yes.

Iv logged out of everything on my old phone,still wouldnt work last week,and now refuses to download aftet i deleted it.
Have you tried to download it to another Android phone to see if it's an issue with your particular brand / model? If it doesn't work on that then it definitely will be Google Wallet / account issue. If it does work then it's probably new phone time.
Works with NFC, nowt to do with carrier/network.
It could be his phone so if he calls into let's say he is is on O2 they can check his phone and the nfc software is working . I could get all technical and explain how nfc works but I understand most people don't understand the technology & that your network provider will help
Iv had a smart phone for years with NFC,
yet i'v had nothing,and i mean nothing but grief for years, i had my 17 year olds on my mobile up to this season,he now has it on his own phone.
one week my seasoncard would work but not his,then vice versa the next game.
same as week works next week doesnt work.

It's not consistent and therefore not fit for purpose
same as week works next week doesnt work.

It's not consistent and therefore not fit for purpose
I think it probably works for the vast majority but I know when you’re the one it does affect then that’s no comfort. There are quite a few vagaries about the technology that can affect how well NFC works, the power and quality of the reader, the placement of the chip in the mobile device, mobile phone cases etc. I had an Android phone which never worked but as soon as I switched to Apple I have never had any issues since, so almost certainly it was the phone.

Famous last words of course, it’ll probably fail next game ;)
I think it probably works for the vast majority but I know when you’re the one it does affect then that’s no comfort. There are quite a few vagaries about the technology that can affect how well NFC works, the power and quality of the reader, the placement of the chip in the mobile device, mobile phone cases etc. I had an Android phone which never worked but as soon as I switched to Apple I have never had any issues since, so almost certainly it was the phone.

Famous last words of course, it’ll probably fail next game ;)
Mines an half the time

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