season tickets general sale

Sorted it today. Not on waiting list. Turned up, no questions asked. Wham bam thank you mam. Cash is King.
SS117 said:
SWP's back said:
Ticket For Schalke said:
Thats why i thought he was fishing, but it doesnt appear to be so.

Nope and it saddens me we have fans like this.
Chill out guys, I'd rather keep our club loyal and passionate than the support Manure have.

Mate - the more success we have means an increase in our fan base. So I don't mind new fans no matter what
Didsbury Dave said:
SWP's back said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You're not listening pal, read the thread again.

Your premier league cap is 95% of the ground, so the club can sell about 43K season tickets if they want to. They set their own notional "Cap" and last year they made no announcement of what this cap was, they just stated for ages that "last few season tickets available" to create a demand. They did ultimately announce that all season tickets had been sold but it was right at the beginning of the season and I'm sure not many were turned away.

What I'm predicting is that on the assumption that demand is greater this year, they will accommodate that demand. They might announce some sort of cap at some point but it will be right up at a level where pretty much anyone who wants one can get one.

They do daft things but they aren't idiots, City. No club in the land would be daft enough to turn away guaranteed bums on seats and revenue.

It isn't about "lying", it's about marketing the club and flogging the tickets. I think there were 34K season ticket holders last year. This year we'll probably sell another few thousand but we still won't have a sold out ground for Norwich at home on a December Monday night. The club seem bizarrely obsessed with the stadium looking full on telly. REst assured they will not turn season ticket customers away in numbers. It will be carefully planned to maximise revenue and bums on seats.

EDIT - Just looked at your link. What a coincidence that last year's season tickets sold out in the middle of the FRiday afternoon just before the first home match ;-)

You see what I'm getting at?

Yeah I do, sorry was being a little thick. You are not implying that they did not sell out last season, just that they are likely to raise their own self-imposed cap if demand is great enough.

Could make sense though I assume they will want to keep a amount (anyone's guess) available to buy on a match by match basis to keep "new" fans or those unable to commit to a SC interested.

May well happen.

They will have to keep some back for matchday sales for several reasons. The main one, I guess, is the increased allocation for away fans in the cup. They cannot sell more season tickets than this because they have to offer all season ticket holders their seat.

Most pertinent will be demand, though. I cannot for the life of me see there being anything like enough demand to sell out the ground in season tickets.

My guess would be 37K season tickets and 7-8K per sale each game. Our capacity for City fans goes up for many games now as the away fans only take one tier.

I also forecast that we'll sell out 90% of gome games. Last season it was probably about 50%.

No idea what they'll do about all those sold but unused seats in the family stand though.

they'll keep matchday sales back because they can charge a fucking fortune for them.
What the fuck!!!

Some people (not even on waiting list) are being allowed to jump ahead of others, not fair that. I rang up before, was told the average waiting time was 15 minutes. Around 20-25 minutes later I get through only to be told that I'm not on the waiting list. I registered ages ago, I even made a thread on here in order to find out how to get onto the waiting list.
Fuck sake city!
bennyboy said:
mancityscot said:
yep, just phoned up, was on hold for 15 minutes, got a season ticket in 116 south stand level 1, row H seat 435. great seats i think. cant wait for the season to start now

What part you from,quite a few Blues on the 7.10 or 10.10 from Glasgow Central.

From Edinburgh, I take it your taking about the Swansea game? Yeh I'm away in Spain for Swansea home and Bolton away. Bit of a bummer as I wanted to be there for first game of season<br /><br />-- Mon Jul 04, 2011 6:32 pm --<br /><br />
Mr.Mancini said:
Stupid question. Anyone fancy going with a 17 year old lad? Mate's fucked me about and ending up without one this year, Dunno what it would be like on my own

I'm on my own too mate, well sort of, I sit on my own anyway. Where abouts you sat?
Mr.Mancini said:
Stupid question. Anyone fancy going with a 17 year old lad? Mate's fucked me about and ending up without one this year, Dunno what it would be like on my own

I've got mine already but providing you're not stuck next to some tosser then chances are that you'll get to know your fellow Seasoncard holders pretty quickly.

Had a lovely family next to me a few seasons ago. Dad and 2 Teenage Girls!
Niall2407 said:
What the fuck!!!

Some people (not even on waiting list) are being allowed to jump ahead of others, not fair that. I rang up before, was told the average waiting time was 15 minutes. Around 20-25 minutes later I get through only to be told that I'm not on the waiting list. I registered ages ago, I even made a thread on here in order to find out how to get onto the waiting list.
Fuck sake city!

Just ring them & tell them you're on the waiting list. I just did that & they didn't check, so it apears its a free for all already. When I'd rund earlier in the day & didn't mention the waiting list, they told me I had to wait until tomorrow, so I guess the rules are able to be bent, depending what you tell them.
I'm on my own too mate, well sort of, I sit on my own anyway. Where abouts you sat?

Last season i sat in the family stand with a couple of mates, was dead but a laugh at times, so i says to them, we should deffinatly sit in the south stand next season. A day before renewal day and they ditch me for other things. Im gutted.
Weighing up buying one on my own but ill miss the banter

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