season tickets general sale

on hold for 57 minutes, just got 2 tickets in block 107.
not happy with the customer service tbh, the lad on the phone was unenthusiastic and not very helpful if im honest
didnt really expect better from the box office tbh
bumbleblue said:
Vonks Nose said:
I prefer to buy on line as i can view the seats available and make an informed decision rather than relying on Donna in the ticket office to tell me where is available. Cant get to the ground as I work. If I get this message one more time I am going to butt the screen!

Membership 2011/12
We see that you are not a current Seasoncard holder and so will not be able to renew for Membership 2011/12 right now.

Visit <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

The replacement for CityCard and AccessCard is coming July 2011.
Fucking shambolic , i am trying to get two for my partner and step daughter i emailed the club when my renewal pack arrived.. they replied assuring me i would be able to purchase on line today. I tried ringing (had to sneak out of work) got cut off after a message saying average waiting time is 2.5 hours.

The message actually decreases in time as you wait but much quicker than the time quoted.. mine quickly said ".. 1 Hour... 45 Minutes...30 Minutes.." and then it was answered. I can't of been on longer than 15 minutes - I almost missed them answering as I'd put the phone down talking to a colleague in the office!
inki94 said:
on hold for 57 minutes, just got 2 tickets in block 107.
not happy with the customer service tbh, the lad on the phone was unenthusiastic and not very helpful if im honest
didnt really expect better from the box office tbh

They're all mininum wage Rags!
looks like the website is working eventually for any blues still waiting, good luck.
wouldnt bet against it crashing within 10 minutes though!
whosonthebench said:
bit harsh on the people on the phones tbh. The lad who delt with me was fine and very helpful.

Have faith blues, all that what a ST will get one.

There seem to be a mix of people at the ticket office. I've dealt with some really helpful people who will do anything for you. But then there are the people there who just want to get you off the phone asap so they can finish quickly and get home.
Just depends who picks up you call doesnt it :)

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