Seasoncard - 2021/22

The only way i seemed to be able to download was to set up separate email accounts on my kids MCFC accounts.
Why are we being forced to live our life through our phones?
When you go for a piss now some fucker somewhere will know and store the data.
X went for a slash at 15.26.
Probably had too much fosters ( 3 pints he paid for on his Halifax Debit Card)
Probably beats his wife up.
We keep an eye on this one.
You’re just trying to find issues. My point is your phone can be your bank card, season card, credit card, train ticket etc. you literally need nothing else. How many times have you lost or had your phone stolen and how many times were you going to the game? More chance of losing your seasoncard without a shadow of a doubt, whether not knowing where you have put it in your house or falling out of your pocket.

No im giving my opinion why I don't like or want it. You can call them issues, I call them reasons. I should have a choice as a paying customer, it shouldn't be enforced on me. I have never lost a seasoncard or forgotten it yet. The club and fans could keep the same seasoncard season after season as it's just wiped at the end and new information loaded onto it when the new season starts. You like the new system, I don't.
Why are we being forced to live our life through our phones?

Because every single aspect of your life is then tracked. People are using it for bus tickets and other forms of transport. Eventually everything will be done through your phone. It's a perfect tracking device and as you have to have it with you at all times to function it's always on and with you. Every single thing you buy or do is recorded. In the future it will be a small chip in your hand or finger, even easier.
I only took a plastic card previously, no phone nor wallet. The card cost me nothing, did not require charging and if I lost it was replaced for a poultry £10. How is using a phone possibly easier in any scenario than what was already the perfect system?
I never take my wallet anywhere. For me no bulk thing full of unrecyclable plastic stuck in my pocket that I could loose and make my life a pain for a few days, with the added risk of fraud, replacing all the cards and documents
You might not know but, driving licenses and passports are going digital doing this introduces some level of biometrics All the major retail stores now have digi loyalty cards, if you have flown in the last three years you might have experienced the digital boarding cards that, when added to the phones wallet automatically pop-up when you get to the gate, this will happen with the City card
I never leave home without my phone, whereas I did forget my card a couple of times, so im all in favour of the digi card however, as an IT professional, I despair at the way the club are introducing this it goes against all the principals of good IT practice (ITIL) BTW next season is my first as an over 65
No im giving my opinion why I don't like or want it. You can call them issues, I call them reasons. I should have a choice as a paying customer, it shouldn't be enforced on me. I have never lost a seasoncard or forgotten it yet. The club and fans could keep the same seasoncard season after season as it's just wiped at the end and new information loaded onto it when the new season starts. You like the new system, I don't.
A friend of mine who goes to Everton said that they are moving to phones too but gave ST holders the option of retaining their card at a cost of £5. I’m not sure why we couldn’t do something similar. Have the club explained why they are doing this ? It has annoyed me too so you are not alone.
Because every single aspect of your life is then tracked. People are using it for bus tickets and other forms of transport. Eventually everything will be done through your phone. It's a perfect tracking device and as you have to have it with you at all times to function it's always on and with you. Every single thing you buy or do is recorded. In the future it will be a small chip in your hand or finger, even easier.
More likely in the next few years new born babies will be chipped with a gps tracker in my honest opinion. Aldous Huxley and George Orwell had the foresight to predict this dystopian future. Cash no longer is king and everything we do is monitored. Totalitarian state, run by powers that are higher than the puppets they try to fool us with.

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