Seasoncard - 2021/22

It’s absolute madness. The hoops people are having to jump through to secure tickets for matches when there are thousands left for even the first game, coupled with this nonsense idea to go balls deep with digital tickets rather than phase it in gradually like any sensible club would + the scandalous price of some of the tickets. It’s almost as if the club don’t want the stadium to be full.
It’s absolute madness. The hoops people are having to jump through to secure tickets for matches when there are thousands left for even the first game, coupled with this nonsense idea to go balls deep with digital tickets rather than phase it in gradually like any sensible club would + the scandalous price of some of the tickets. It’s almost as if the club don’t want the stadium to be full.
its absolute madness ! totally uncalled for !
It’s absolute madness. The hoops people are having to jump through to secure tickets for matches when there are thousands left for even the first game, coupled with this nonsense idea to go balls deep with digital tickets rather than phase it in gradually like any sensible club would + the scandalous price of some of the tickets. It’s almost as if the club don’t want the stadium to be full.
your post is too sensible mate

some suit at the club wont like stuff like this
I'll be buggered if they enforce mobile ticketing next time I go to a Nuclear Assault gig. If they think it is the future having an expensive object that smashes as a ticket, they will be thinking again soon.
I did not want to go metric or decimal money but had to put up with it just calm down or plan a organised demonstration
I did not want to go metric or decimal money but had to put up with it just calm down or plan a organised demonstration
To be fair I don’t think most people have a problem with the club going digital per se, it’s the way they’ve gone about implementing it. The fact they’ve dropped it on us at such short notice and said this is the way we’re doing it so like it or lump it. We know there are going to be issues at the gates initially and we also know that a substantial number of people won’t understand how to use it, and it may even deter some from going full stop.
I personally think in the long run it will be better but using a phased approach to iron out the kinks and let people who are unsure get their heads around it would have been so much better.
You could ask to reset the child’s password (I believe it may work then) The password reset email will be sent to you and then the child should be able to log in iirc.

If you’ve not logged in to the site before, that’s not a problem, simply select the ‘forgotten password’ link online, enter either of the details above (supporter number or email address) and you will receive a password reset link via email. Please check your junk/spam folder.

Supporters under 13 years of age will have to enter their supporter number to log in (rather than email) or request a password reset email as detailed above. The reset password email will be sent to the email address held on record.
thanks for that it has let me download one of the kids passes to my wallet but wont download the other one,it goes through the motions but dosnt appear in my wallet.any ideas

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