Seat Counters - 2024/25

That block was on all those ticket tout sites I posted the other day.
Really interesting that isn't it. Also worth noting that SS3 was pretty much full apart from that 1 block which looked about 50-60% full.

Someone also suggested that they had given that block out to staff, but I don't buy into the fact that you need to reserve a whole block for this.

Maybe I'm overreacting, but I think we're entering dangerous territory if the club sees an extra allocation as a chance to boost public relations with their so called "club partners", rather than a chance to sell extra tickets via the website to our own fanbase
I purchased mine in ES3 about 2 weeks ago.
For some games that didn't sell well they used to close off the top tiers, I'm guessing so they'd save money on Stewarding and not having to operate the Level 3 Bars.

I wonder if they plan to do this here and you, aswell as anyone else on level 3, could expect an email telling you you're being moved.

Just a suggestion, I hope this isn't the case, but I can't think of any reason they'd take these blocks off sale after sales have already started!
For some games that didn't sell well they used to close off the top tiers, I'm guessing so they'd save money on Stewarding and not having to operate the Level 3 Bars.

I wonder if they plan to do this here and you, aswell as anyone else on level 3, could expect an email telling you you're being moved.

Just a suggestion, I hope this isn't the case, but I can't think of any reason they'd take these blocks off sale after sales have already started!
If they email me, I'll say that unless they move me next to Khaldoon, Moonchester, Natalie Pike or fat arse ain't moving anywhere!
So something that's a little concerning to me is that block 313, which is normally the top tier of the away end, was part of the home end today. The reason this concerns me is because, apart from 4 returns yesterday, this block never went on sale via the website.

Are we now at a point where if the away team gives back part of their allocation, the club is going to distribute these via other routes?

Just worth keeping in mind if we get a semi final against Madrid, where no one can get tickets
It was posted in here that entire block was given to club staff or something. Seems a little odd because there were probably 1000 in there at least. With family I guess they could take that many but I’ve never heard of anything like before and I’m sure a lot of staff have tickets anyway (or are working). But they definitely never went on sale from day one so it’s a credible explanation.

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