semi final trouble

lordloverocket said:
Whitworth Park said:
SWP's back.
A derby at OT is a compleatly different matter.
I am talking about a mob of say 200 going round Central London looking
for small groups of City Fans having a day out, flags out, wearing shirts.
A group of City could say be having a beer at Swiss's Cottage next thing a mob
will appear from the tube and charge straight in.

Believe me I sincerly hope this does not happen and I sincerly hope the OB
prevent it or they get the kicking they deserve.
But also believe me I know how they operate.
I post this just for people to have their wit's about them and be on their guard.
i might not go now in ime shittin it, i mean 120 odd city on adult/lads only coaches?? in fact we all might not go cos obviously to a man we are all soft as shit and in the end they do wot they want.

get a grip.
Whitworth Park said:
SWP's back.
A derby at OT is a compleatly different matter.
I am talking about a mob of say 200 going round Central London looking
for small groups of City Fans having a day out, flags out, wearing shirts.
A group of City could say be having a beer at Swiss's Cottage next thing a mob
will appear from the tube and charge straight in.
Believe me I sincerly hope this does not happen and I sincerly hope the OB
prevent it or they get the kicking they deserve.
But also believe me I know how they operate.
I post this just for people to have their wit's about them and be on their guard.
People will be enjoying themselves to much to have there "wits about them " Just stop all this scaremongering we have all been to enough games to know what the score is with oposing fans & no-one should be worried about what may or may not happen enjoy the day & chill out
Whitworth Park said:
Your missing one crucial point.
We will be meeting 2 sets of fans, United from wherever and The
Cockney Reds.
The Cockney Reds hate us, one, because we are City, two because in their
eyes we are Northern C***s .
They will be out mob handed to cause as much trouble as they can.

Not only that, but for the southern plastics, our very existence reminds them of the uncomfortable fact that they are shallow glory hunting tw@ts, with no cred even amongst their proper local supporting mates down there.. squirm , squirm, LOL !!!
dom said:
Whitworth Park said:
Your missing one crucial point.
We will be meeting 2 sets of fans, United from wherever and The
Cockney Reds.
The Cockney Reds hate us, one, because we are City, two because in their
eyes we are Northern C***s .
They will be out mob handed to cause as much trouble as they can.

Not only that, but for the southern plastics, our very existence reminds them of the uncomfortable fact that they are shallow glory hunting tw@ts, with no cred even amongst their proper local supporting mates down there.. squirm , squirm, LOL !!!


These people are squirming shells of human beings, laughed at by every supporter in the land for trying to attach themselves to a successful club miles away for no reason other than it feeds a defective part of their needy personality.

They are rightly ashamed of themselves, even if they try not to show it. As such, they will not be roaming around London in their Pearly King and Queen outfits giving it the big 'I am'.

They would probably end up getting shit from proper reds.
Some of the posts on here make me piss. 'the cockney reds this', 'the cockney reds that' etc. The 'Cockney Reds', if they exists at all as an identifiable unit are made up of fat middle aged business men, even fatter middle aged women and chinese students. We are not dealing with the Waffen SS. It's a myth that's been perpetuating since the '70s that the 'Cocney Reds' are some sort of super firm who sweep all before them. I've been coming up against Utd fans for 30 years and can honestly say that I have never met an organised group who could be identified as 'Cocney reds'. Sure, Utd have a lot of fans down south and some of them may think that they are Bruce Lee, but I can guarantee to you that any collection of the filth supporting scum bags that you will encounter will be no more scary than the majority of passengers on Spike's Kiev trip last week, many of whom looked like they should be in the Waffen SS and who more than likely would be able to give a good slap to anything utd can muster at Wembley.

Calm down, enjoy the day and understand that Utd are generally more nervous
about this, in every respect, than we are.
Royaloak said:
Some of the posts on here make me piss. 'the cockney reds this', 'the cockney reds that' etc. The 'Cockney Reds', if they exists at all as an identifiable unit are made up of fat middle aged business men, even fatter middle aged women and chinese students. We are not dealing with the Waffen SS. It's a myth that's been perpetuating since the '70s that the 'Cocney Reds' are some sort of super firm who sweep all before them. I've been coming up against Utd fans for 30 years and can honestly say that I have never met an organised group who could be identified as 'Cocney reds'. Sure, Utd have a lot of fans down south and some of them may think that they are Bruce Lee, but I can guarantee to you that any collection of the filth supporting scum bags that you will encounter will be no more scary than the majority of passengers on Spike's Kiev trip last week, many of whom looked like they should be in the Waffen SS and who more than likely would be able to give a good slap to anything utd can muster at Wembley.

Calm down, enjoy the day and understand that Utd are generally more nervous
about this, in every respect, than we are.

the cockney reds my arse there was a few in the 70s so the average age of them would be around 60 now, they wont be at the semi's its domino's down at the local for them
Put it this way.

Northerners V Middle and Southern Englanders.(Berkshire, home counties, etc)

City will be taking 32,000 down to Wembley. Bar a few supporters branches located far and wide.

The Rags support will be coming from everywhere.

Mark my words, the trip down wil be mostly City.
have to disagree.........outside the Brunswick pub near Picc station City waited for the so called cockney/london reds special train many times.

They were a handy mob ......even Manc reds fought with them at Utd away games in London when mancs chanted WE HATE THE COCKNEYS
blueskies2 said:
have to disagree.........outside the Brunswick pub near Picc station City waited for the so called cockney/london reds special train many times.

They were a handy mob ......even Manc reds fought with them at Utd away games in London when mancs chanted WE HATE THE COCKNEYS

You must be talking 1976.
im_still_here said:
If i die on wembley way WOOOOOH WOOOOOH
If i die on wembley way WOOOOOH WOOOOOH
If i die on wembley way WOOOOH WOOOOOH there will be 10 red bastards at my feet


what about.......beat em on the head,beat em on the head,beat em on the head with....errrrr an inflatable crocodile ha

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