Semi Tickets....

United were 30,000 light for their Quarter Final.

Do you mind not quoting those figures again as they are covered by the offical secrets act although I gather if we are short of filling our ground most papers will have it as a front page lead & talk shite are planning a 24 hour radio special to disscus our empty ground.
I hope there is thousands of empty seats, prices are a joke.

Don't give a fuck what any scouser or rag says, if they are happy paying ridiculous prices to see their team then fair play.
bluemoonrisen21 said:
Dont know about everyone else but cant afford it. Been to every home game this season (apart from the Arsenal game). Will be going to Wigan on Monday, Spurs the week after prob Everton away and then Fulham home. Going to have to give this one a miss.

Not having a pop but Everton away? Awful view and awful team or a semi at home?
the gate will be under 30k and will serve City right for the rip off ticket prices
alib said:
the gate will be under 30k and will serve City right for the rip off ticket prices
Will be over 30k, poss about 34/5 which is piss poor for a Semi and just backs up why we don't need a bigger ground. Yes if it had been cheaper we would have filled it but if we get to the CL semis it will be 50 each and people will find the money from somewhere.

Did anyone else hear on tv last night Arsenal season ticket holders had the FAC 3rd rd as part of the SC.
alib said:
the gate will be under 30k and will serve City right for the rip off ticket prices
Will be over 30k, poss about 34/5 which is piss poor for a Semi and just backs up why we don't need a bigger ground. Yes if it had been cheaper we would have filled it but if we get to the CL semis it will be 50 each and people will find the money from somewhere.

Did anyone else hear on tv last night Arsenal season ticket holders had the FAC 3rd rd as part of the SC.

serves the club right for charging stupid prices
It is hard to get worked up about the first leg of a 2 legged match.

Most people with SCs not in the cup schemes will be either because they struggle to make it mid week or for money reasons. With a derby cup game 3 days before this was always going to struggle to sell, and the fixtures were known before the pricing was published.
Sales are OK. Maybe 35k?

£35 adults, and £5 for u-16s in North Stand is expensive for adults - but it's a semi-final. They don't come along very often.
Marvin said:
Sales are OK. Maybe 35k?

£35 adults, and £5 for u-16s in North Stand is expensive for adults - but it's a semi-final. They don't come along very often.

There is one in 2 weeks as well.

That is the problem...

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