"Sergio!" "Sergio!" JRB Song Meister!

I was singing one last night that I heard from some drunk lads at Wembley

To the tune of Dean Martin's Amore...

"When the ball hits the net its not Torres or Shrek - itsss Aguero"

Really like it thought I would hear it elsewhere last night
Conga Tune:

KUN KUN KUN, Sergio Aguero

KUN KUN KUN, our argentinian son (or just scored another goal)

and so on...

Simple tune, and the crowd can bounce, or even conga if the mood takes us....
How about this one to the tune of Agadoo....

Aguero - ro - ro - ro,
Balotelli and Dzeko,
Jinking left jinking right,
David Silvas Dynamite
Come and play if you can
YaYa Toure is the man.......
GStar said:
jrb said:
Don't normally blow my own trumpet as I'm the shy and retiring type, but I started the new Sergio song tonight in 110.(row X)

Credit goes to your man next to me and the lads around me for getting it going with me.

I don't want any royalties. ;-) I'm just happy in the knowledge it was sung by my fellow blue brothers en-masse tonight. :-)

It was bobbins, i'm not validating you for this one... you couldn't even put 'Aguero' at the end!

You cannot say that unless you came up with one yourself in the ground last night ;-)
bluesmith said:
How about this one to the tune of Agadoo....

Aguero - ro - ro - ro,
Balotelli and Dzeko,
Jinking left jinking right,
David Silvas Dynamite
Come and play if you can
YaYa Toure is the man.......

I like it....sounds better if only the first four lines are sung and repeated. Not sung too quick, either.
So we are going to be using a song that crawley town made up for sergio torres ?<br /><br />-- Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:45 pm --<br /><br />So we are going to be using a song that crawley town made up for sergio torres ?
Impeccable said:
bluesmith said:
How about this one to the tune of Agadoo....

Aguero - ro - ro - ro,
Balotelli and Dzeko,
Jinking left jinking right,
David Silvas Dynamite
Come and play if you can
YaYa Toure is the man.......

I like it....sounds better if only the first four lines are sung and repeated. Not sung too quick, either.
I agree just the 4 lines are best to be sung I had a few other lines with clichy, kompany and de jong in but it was getting a bit long.

Might try and get it going at Bolton.
foley87 said:
and youre proud of it?

another boring unimaginative song... great

WNRH said:
Bluemoon115 said:
foley87 said:
and youre proud of it?

another boring unimaginative song... great
So the better alternative that you got going around the ground was...?

Just because there was no alternative going on at that moment mean that the one that was sung was any good or even good enough to claim it as something special (sorry jrb)

Remember We've got Robinho?

Oh dear. :-(

I seem to have upset one or two posters on BM.

Just to point out. I never ever claimed it was 'something special'. Here's my proof. My original post.

Don't normally blow my own trumpet as I'm the shy and retiring type, but I started the new Sergio song tonight in 110.(row X)

Credit goes to your man next to me and the lads around me for getting it going with me.

I don't want any royalties. ;-) I'm just happy in the knowledge it was sung by my fellow blue brothers en-masse tonight. :-)

BTW. The song meister title was tongue in cheek.

Firstly. My original post was done in jest. Those that know my posting style on here know I'm hardly ever serious.(except regarding block 109) Same on SSC.

Regarding 'my' chant.(only joking) As a few posters have pointed out, it wasn't very imaginative or original. Fair enough. True. However, it wasn't meant to be. It was a spur of the moment chant after Sergio's second goal. (in my mind) Quick. Think of a song. Come on... Come on... Arrgh.... Erm..... Got it! And that was it. Didn't have time to catch my breath, nevermind think up another Balotelli-esc classic song.

I started singing(I always try and get some songs going in 110) it after Sergio's second goal and the lad next to me joind in. After we both belted it out a few times those around us joined in as well. By the time it gathered momentum it had reached blocks 111 and 110, with quite a few fans signing it. Whether it go any further I don't know. However, people leaving the stadium were still singing it.

On the funny side. Got home(Cheadle Heath), parked the car up, got out, and heard somebody singing it down the road, but couldn't see them. Made me chuckle.

TBH I was pretty chuffed that it go going at the time. Can't lie. I'm over that now. If it get's sung again great. If it dies a death so be it. Football song only have a certain life span anyway. Some die a death straightaway. Some last decades.

Unfortunately this thread has brought out the worst in some BM forum members. It was started off in jest and in celebration of Sergio, his goals, his performance, and a quick song. It's looks like it's now ended up in name calling, belittling and......(fill in as a appropriate) That's a piity really, as it was never my intention for that to happen. Oh well. Back to the songs.

"Noisy neighbours, noisy neighbours, we come from Manchester!"

Well? ;-)

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