Serious question about Mancini - serious answers only please

Prestwich_Blue said:
80s Shorts said:
How on earth can we discuss things seriously with you when you say:

a. I have no confidence in the manager


b. Lets give him two years


c. His time is up

Schizophrenic claptrap.
Even for some of the limited intellects on here, that's a pretty stupid statement. It's not Einstein's General Theory of Relativity.

I'm saying I have no confidence in him - that's my opinion and you're free to differ. But as a general point, I'm also saying I believe you have to give a manager two full seasons before you can be sure he's wrong. That's what we did with Pearce and, apart from some single-cell amoebas on here, most could see he was utterly out of his depth.

I'm asking when other people will accept the time has come for a change. For me the alarm bells should start ringing if there's no significant improvement this time next season.

and there was me thinking that two of your muliple choice options had him sacked before the two years you wished to give the manager that you have no confidence in. lol
Mancini is the man chosen by the owners. He will have a long time to get things right. IF we didn't make the top 4 this season (what a ridiculous suggestion), but there are definite signs of improvement and the margin between 5th and 3rd was small, then his job would be safe anyway (unless he chose to leave).

Obviously we're yet to see utd in the flesh so I will reserve judgement, but I will be very surprised if we finish behind Arsenal or Spurs. Top 3 is the realistic aim imo.
Ric said:
Prestwich_Blue said:
For me the alarm bells should start ringing if there's no significant improvement this time next season.

There you have an answer to your own question, hallelujah.

Do you ever get the feeling everyday is Groundhog day?
Surely all of this debate stems from the fact that from day one a large proportion of City fans needed to be convinced by Mancini.

He was an unknown quantity for very many Blues as far as I can tell and there was serious disappointment that Jose wasn't the man to replace Hughes.

If we had gone from Pearce to Mancini and directly from Wardle to HH Sheikh Mansour our perspectives in general would be clearer and the fans expectations would have perhaps been less in the first 6 months?
I have had my doubts over Mancini,until recently.I think he was really unlucky to play that game with Nigel and Carlos, they are big players for it self inflicted though? to me he overtrains the players, they don't like it and they won't thank him for it, it also seems we have a fair few injuries, if we took it easy once in a while we may have a full squad to choose from.
He got everything wrong today Inc Zab for ade but for a while he's done ok for me.
The question how long will he get will not be answered on here it willbe by the prem table come next may, top four or he's gone.
Balti said:
BillyShears said:
That's rich coming from you...

and you, you jumped up coont

Hahahaha! You may as well have said "I know you are but what am I".

You're really not in a position to talk about limited intellect, trust me pal.
de niro said:
to me he overtrains the players, they don't like it and they won't thank him for it, it also seems we have a fair few injuries, if we took it easy once in a while we may have a full squad to choose from

I don't buy that, because the lads who go to watch the training day in day out have dismissed that argument.

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