Shamima Begum

How about the overseas operations bill that would protect rogue service men from war crimes proceedings?

Who is saying she should be absolved of crimes? She was 19 when stripped of citizenship, if she has committed serious crimes and is convicted then she will be in prison for a very long time. She would likely never have children and be a powerful reminder of the fate that befalls on jihadi brides. Or she can stay in the camp grow bitter and radicalise others or escape with other women when the opportunity presents itself.
Exactly, a Syrian Prison. With no access or rights to British citizenship and the benefits thereof whatsover (having previously willingly rejected and publicly renounced it.)

The longer she stays in Syrian/Kurdish custody the better. Her whole life, as far as i'm concerned.
She was 15 when she went over to Syria and how many of us made dickhead decisions when we were that age, or even older? It's very easy to take the Daily Mail approach to this and say "good riddance". But the more I think about this, the more I think that we should allow her to come back. We've welcomed back drug smugglers and other criminals, including murderers and paedophiles, who've served time abroad. Those two girls (in Peru was it?) were treated like some sort of heroines (pun intended) who we fought to get released.

Begum's committed no crime that we know of and, if she has, she should face a fair trial here. Of course we should monitor her and ensure she's unlikely to spend her life radicalising others. But there's a thread on here about Bert Trautmann, who the authorities here initially classified as a hardened Nazi. Yet he was allowed to stay and one of his reasons for staying was the British people treated him fairly.

If she's genuinely remorseful then she's entitled to put the past behind her and rebuild her life.
She was 15 when she went over to Syria and how many of us made dickhead decisions when we were that age, or even older? It's very easy to take the Daily Mail approach to this and say "good riddance". But the more I think about this, the more I think that we should allow her to come back. We've welcomed back drug smugglers and other criminals, including murderers and paedophiles, who've served time abroad. Those two girls (in Peru was it?) were treated like some sort of heroines (pun intended) who we fought to get released.

Begum's committed no crime that we know of and, if she has, she should face a fair trial here. Of course we should monitor her and ensure she's unlikely to spend her life radicalising others. But there's a thread on here about Bert Trautmann, who the authorities here initially classified as a hardened Nazi. Yet he was allowed to stay and one of his reasons for staying was the British people treated him fairly.

If she's genuinely remorseful then she's entitled to put the past behind her and rebuild her life.
She isn't. That's the problem, mate. She has no regrets about what and who she supported. She regrets that it is over.
She isn't. That's the problem, mate. She has no regrets about what and who she supported. She regrets that it is over.
You've had a long chat with her then I assume? I'd prefer the security services and other authorities to decide that, rather than the Daily Mail. If she does represent a danger, then we should manage her accordingly. One thing is for sure is that she won't be deradicalised in a Syrian refugee camp.

When I was her age, I had this idealised view of Chairman Mao's China and the Cultural Revolution. Yes, I was astoundingly naïve but you are at that age.
You've had a long chat with her then I assume? I'd prefer the security services and other authorities to decide that, rather than the Daily Mail. If she does represent a danger, then we should manage her accordingly. One thing is for sure is that she won't be deradicalised in a Syrian refugee camp.

When I was her age, I had this idealised view of Chairman Mao's China and the Cultural Revolution. Yes, I was astoundingly naïve but you are at that age.
I've seen and read the interviews that she's given. She shows no remorse whatsoever for what she did. She's not that 15 year old girl anymore either, these are the views of a 20 year old woman who relished her time as a 'citizen' of the Islamic State.

She'll never be deradicalised, the likelihood is that she will try and radicalise British inmates in a UK prison. Let the Syrians/Kurds have their justice. If there's no evidence of her committing any crimes, then why does she need to be tried here? She therefore must face justice for her part in the occupation of Syrian lands and the oppression she was part of of an entire group of people.
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What a horrible fucking country we have become.

People are radicalised daily in the UK by the Daily Mail and the other gutter snipe RW hatemongering media.

As PB says a country that accepted a Nazi paratrooper now turns its back on a 15yr old girl.
What a horrible fucking country we have become.

People are radicalised daily in the UK by the Daily Mail and the other gutter snipe RW hatemongering media.

As PB says a country that accepted a Nazi paratrooper now turns its back on a 15yr old girl.
Difference is that Trautmann hated the Nazi regime and rejected the doctrine of Nazism. He was a professional soldier who did his duty, but once captured made no attempt to escape.

Begum did not. She loved the regime, loved the doctrine, wished for it to spread across the world and destroy those she considered enemies of 'Islam', despite having no understanding of the religion, because she fell in love with the cult. She's shown no remorse for her actions and laments at the collapse of the Islamic State, not the victims it murdered. Used her children to escape her captors who seek justice by exploting a loophole that made a mockery of the same human rights she and her friends denied to others. That loophole is now forever closed.
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