Shamima Begum

The irony is that there are hundreds of British citizens who went to fight for IS who have been allowed back in Britain to face terrorism charges and/or monitoring by MI5. It's not clear to me why an exception is being made for her, other than her high media profile. It's 'chat shit, get banged,' as you say.
An exception is being made because she was a vulnerable, desperate, young female child. Much easier for a cowardly home sec to make an example of her rather than take on a strong-willed, articulate grown man for example.

This poor girl has suffered enough. Bring her home, bathe her in the milk of human kindness and let her rebuild her life.
There is clearly an argument for repatriation and rehabilitation, particularly if we wish to maintain the moral high ground and show we are 'better' than the brutal IS regime. There is however an equally strong argument to fuck her off to rot forever in a camp/Syrian ghetto as a deterrent to others. These young girls are duped on social media into making that journey, and having one crying about how shit the caliphate is and bleating to cone home all the time provides a powerful counternarrative.

Of course, but I think the comparison to victims of paedophilia is disgusting

Trouble is that, whether it was her fault or not, she's clearly a potential danger. If we bought her back and she committed any crime at all, the backlash would be immense.
What eligibility would she have to enter the Netherlands? Her marriage conducted in Islamic State territory is probably not even recognised. She doesn't speak Bengali, one reason why she might not want to go to a country she has minimal connection with who refuse to acknowledge that she is a citizen. And one which she has no travel documents for.

I wasn't aware expecting people to have a right of appeal and proper representation by means of legal aid was something exclusive to Marxist idealogy.

She should be brought back to face justice in the UK, if there is evidence she has committed crimes, she should be prosecuted. And if convicted jailed.

This young woman is a warning of the future to prospective radicalised child brides, of the misery that will come to them (3 infant deaths etc). But keeping the adults and children in camps in squalor and all together will only radicalise future generations. I hope that I am wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn in the future that men who lived in these camps as children went on to become terrorists.
Why oh why do the left consistently go against the overwhelming majority of the populace? This woman has been involved, with her thankfully, now dead siblings, with the most brutal, medieval practices known, yet the first thing you do is leap to her defence, with mealy mouthed excuses about future possible radicalisation. What on earth do you mean by 'If there is evidence? She IS radicalised, nobody has the faintest clue if she came back, if she wouldn't immediately join with others of her ilk and start the same evil practices all over again. We also have neither the time, money or desire to be spending millions 'De Radicalising' her or any other Jihadi nutters or putting god knows how many coppers on her case to watch her for evermore.
As usual, you're wrong, the supreme court says your wrong, and anyone lobbying for this kind of filth to return and us to be accepting of it is to be ignored.
"we know you've been a naughty girl and joined a terrorist organisation that takes joy in beheading UK citizens, but as long as you promise to be good you can come back home"
"OK I promise"
"welcome back, now what's your plans?"
"well I thought I might take in an Arianna Grande concert"
"OK have fun"
Sometime later...
" shit how are we gonna explain to the parents that we let her back in"
Why oh why do the left consistently go against the overwhelming majority of the populace? This woman has been involved, with her thankfully, now dead siblings, with the most brutal, medieval practices known, yet the first thing you do is leap to her defence, with mealy mouthed excuses about future possible radicalisation. What on earth do you mean by 'If there is evidence? She IS radicalised, nobody has the faintest clue if she came back, if she wouldn't immediately join with others of her ilk and start the same evil practices all over again. We also have neither the time, money or desire to be spending millions 'De Radicalising' her or any other Jihadi nutters or putting god knows how many coppers on her case to watch her for evermore.
As usual, you're wrong, the supreme court says your wrong, and anyone lobbying for this kind of filth to return and us to be accepting of it is to be ignored.
She added: “Even though I was only 15 years old, I could make my own decisions. But I will admit, it’s my fault right now. I just want forgiveness from the UK. Everything I’ve been through, I didn’t expect I would go through that.” - Shamima Begum, 2019

No, no forgiveness.

If all states just washed their hands of their foreign criminals then we as a nation would suffer far more than most with criminals essentially abandoned on our shores.
Well that happened when we took Michael Shields back to serve the rest of his sentence over here for a crime he was convicted of committing on Bulgarian soil (before Jack Straw set him free and couldn’t be arsed pursuing the so-called real culprit). Double standards everywhere and not just in this case

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