Shamima Begum

Why oh why do the left consistently go against the overwhelming majority of the populace? This woman has been involved, with her thankfully, now dead siblings, with the most brutal, medieval practices known, yet the first thing you do is leap to her defence, with mealy mouthed excuses about future possible radicalisation. What on earth do you mean by 'If there is evidence? She IS radicalised, nobody has the faintest clue if she came back, if she wouldn't immediately join with others of her ilk and start the same evil practices all over again. We also have neither the time, money or desire to be spending millions 'De Radicalising' her or any other Jihadi nutters or putting god knows how many coppers on her case to watch her for evermore.
As usual, you're wrong, the supreme court says your wrong, and anyone lobbying for this kind of filth to return and us to be accepting of it is to be ignored.

The supreme court said that she couldn't return to fight her case at her appeal it didn't say anything to about her right to an appeal. I'm not sure why you have gone off one about "if there is evidence", if the sources that informed the newspaper reports are credible and meet evidential thresholds then there will be evidence.

There have been numerous examples of kids growing up in refugee camps and similar conditions living on the margins of society that went on to commit atrocities. And there is a variety of serious literature on the matter that refers to specifically to these camps and methods to prevent radicalisation.

That’s more of a concern than a frail young woman worn down by multiple pregnancies and infant deaths who appears to be quite simple and lacking the persuasive skills to radicalise others.
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Why oh why do the left consistently go against the overwhelming majority of the populace?
Because if nobody ever spoke for the underdog, discriminated against, the morally wronged, we would live in a fucking awful world where nobody had any rights apart from those with the most money and the entitled elite.

You would have no rights, you would be a serf paying tithes to your local Baron and you would be eating rhubarb for every meal, living in rags and working every hour you were awake.

And even now you dismiss the people who fought for you as lefties or other crude shit.

Because if any of you on the right of politics think you would have ever got any rights from the cunts you vote for you are fucking deluded.
Because if nobody ever spoke for the underdog, discriminated against, the morally wronged, we would live in a fucking awful world where nobody had any rights apart from those with the most money and the entitled elite.

You would have no rights, you would be a serf paying tithes to your local Baron and you would be eating rhubarb for every meal, living in rags and working every hour you were awake.

And even now you dismiss the people who fought for you as lefties or other crude shit.

Because if any of you on the right of politics think you would have ever got any rights from the cunts you vote for you are fucking deluded.
Shamima Begum, a woman who admits she was of sound mind and body when she chose to join the murderous cult of ISIS, had no issue with decapitated heads in bins, raped Yazidi women and young girls sold as sex slaves or homosexuals thrown off roofs, claims the Manchester Bombings were "regretful, but retaliatory and therefore justified", would be considered "morally wronged"?

You weren't in a past life Mengele's lawyer, were you?


She's dead and so is he. This has absolutely no bearing in this conversation whatsoever.

But when an argument is being lost, bringing up past Tory government hypocrisies is the last throw of the dice I guess. I woudln't have approved of it then, I don't approve of Begum's past crimes being absolved now.
Shamima Begum, a woman who admits she was of sound mind and body when she chose to join the murderous cult of ISIS, had no issue with decapitated heads in bins, raped Yazidi women and young girls sold as sex slaves or homosexuals thrown off roofs, claims the Manchester Bombings were "regretful, but retaliatory and therefore justified", would be considered "morally wronged"?

You weren't in a past life Mengele's lawyer, were you?

She might not be the best person to pronounce whether she was or is of sound mind
They are worse that the big evil I make them out to be.

They stop this country being a great country and they poison the minds of millions in order to keep their people in wealth and power, denying millions of ordinary Brits a decent life.

I am sorry MB, i despise them, I hate what they do to our country, I love our country and it could be so much better without them and there nasty vindictive ways, their lies and their corruption.

And they do it by using the likes of Begum as meat to the masses. A poor girl, misguided yes, made a wrong decision and is now being used to pander to the lowlife in exchange for votes. The votes that keep them in a position to rape and pillage this country for there personal gain and their mates personal gain. I am fucking sick of the twats. They are worse than ISIS to me, because perhaps i am foolish enough to expect better of them.
She's not a "poor girl". She admitted to an interviewer that even at 15 she KNEW what she was doing, and she didn't care.

“Even though I was only 15 years old, I could make my own decisions. But I will admit, it’s my fault right now. I just want forgiveness from the UK. Everything I’ve been through, I didn’t expect I would go through that.”

She wasn't misguided; she thought British girls who 'dressed provocatively' were sluts who deserved to go to hell. She hates homosexuals. She hates non-muslims, she hates Jews and nobody groomed her on these opinions. She is a full on Islamist Extremist in every sense of the word and a complete embarassment to the Islamic religion masquerading as one. Why are you defending her character? Because the "right wingers don't like her"? Most Left wingers despise her too.

This isn't about white or brown, left or right, conservative or socialist, nationalist, patriotism or globalism. It's about the common sense to realise that this 'creature' has developed entirely on her own judgement a complete hatred and disdain for everything you or I hold dear. Myra Hindley wasn't "misunderstood", she was evil. Peter Sutcliffe wasn't "asking for help", he was evil. Jon Venables wasn't a "troubled young boy", he was evil. Shamima Begum isn't a "groomed child", she's evil and takes pride in it, shows no remorse for her actions.

She's beyond anyone decent's pity or support. The people of Syria, the Kurds, the Yazidi Muslims, who suffered at the hands of those she supported, are the ones who should be prioritised in receiving justice. It has nothing to do with the Tories. I would expect a Socialist Labour UK Government to react the exact same way.
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She's dead and so is he. This has absolutely no bearing in this conversation whatsoever.

But when an argument is being lost, bringing up past Tory government hypocrisies is the last throw of the dice I guess. I woudln't have approved of it then, I don't approve of Begum's past crimes being absolved now.

How about the overseas operations bill that would protect rogue service men from war crimes proceedings?

Who is saying she should be absolved of crimes? She was 19 when stripped of citizenship, if she has committed serious crimes and is convicted then she will be in prison for a very long time. She would likely never have children and be a powerful reminder of the fate that befalls on jihadi brides. Or she can stay in the camp grow bitter and radicalise others or escape with other women when the opportunity presents itself.

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