Shooting in Washington

You'd think the American goverment would of done something about these shootings by now. We hardly hear anything like this in England, apart from a few stabbings here and there. A shooting spree is rare in the uk, but weekly in the us. Fuck living there.
MC_fan_in_Texas said:
the shooter has been identified as Aaron Alexis, a 34 year old government contractor. The crazy thing is, he lived about a 10 minute drive from my house here in Fort Worth, TX.

And you did nothing.
Josh Blue said:
RandomJ said:
The sad thing is the NRA will use this as an example of why people need guns to "protect themselves" when if you banned the fucking things in the first place there wouldn't be such a loss of life. Bit harder trying to stab 12 people without getting brought down but anyone can pull the trigger on an assault weapon and mow down countless people.

It would take me maximum two days to get an assault weapon in this country and we have a full ban so how does it make a difference?
Well it would take me 30 minutes to get a guy to do the job for me.

Na na na na, my cocks bigger than yours.

*This post may be bullshit.
Josh Blue said:
RandomJ said:
The sad thing is the NRA will use this as an example of why people need guns to "protect themselves" when if you banned the fucking things in the first place there wouldn't be such a loss of life. Bit harder trying to stab 12 people without getting brought down but anyone can pull the trigger on an assault weapon and mow down countless people.

It would take me maximum two days to get an assault weapon in this country and we have a full ban so how does it make a difference?

Because in England firearms are not easilt accessable therefore reduce the risk of impulsive shootings, wether that be killing of others or suicide.
I would also like to see some of these 'school shooters' out in the 'hood trying to get hold of a firearm in '2 days'. I think it is less likely these mass shootings would happen if guns were illeagal.

Now back on topic. Its happend again, its hardly a surprise due to firearms being accessable but seen as though, at least 1, was a former reservist, I wonder what his/their motivation was??
Josh Blue said:
Frank the Yank said:
If its soem guy running around screaming ALLAH AHKBAR, then it will be swept under thr ug and considered "workplace violence". If its some scumbag white guy he will immediately have ties to the Tea Party.........

Are you being serious?

Yes, totally!
Sad state of affairs when you just shrug. It's at the point where the people that shout the loudest aren't willing to help themselves and are too busy blaming everything else. I feel sorry for the victims, but it's "just another shooting" in the land of the free..
Frank the Yank said:
Josh Blue said:
Frank the Yank said:
If its soem guy running around screaming ALLAH AHKBAR, then it will be swept under thr ug and considered "workplace violence". If its some scumbag white guy he will immediately have ties to the Tea Party.........

Are you being serious?

Yes, totally!

You are a lunatic then.
Josh Blue said:
Frank the Yank said:
Josh Blue said:
Are you being serious?

Yes, totally!

You are a lunatic then.

Er, um OK then you dont have a clue then. Those things have ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!

When the fiend Nidal Hassan gunned down 13 in Fort Hood years ago, the Obama administration declared it was "workplace violence". They have not changed that determination. Fact!

When the looney kazooney Jared Loughner shot and killed multipl people and wounded a member of Congress in Arizona years ago, he was immediately tied to the Tea Party. Fact!

.........and I am the lunatic?????

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