Shooting in Washington

Blue Haze said:
Another day, another shooting over here.

There are about 30 gun murders per day, just throw these poor victims on the funeral pyre with the rest.

Just of the news there. More people killed in USA by child related shooting incidents per year than terrorist incidents.
Read a lot of posts regarding thr right to bear arms thing. This incident was in a Naval base. I believe the shooter was either ex or serving Naval reserve. This is a military base. Army,Navy,Airforce. They all have armouries full of weapons which can be,and are signed out on a daily basis. No amount of gun control can stop a weapon being had at a military base and an incident of this nature occuring.
mick10 said:
Read a lot of posts regarding thr right to bear arms thing. This incident was in a Naval base. I believe the shooter was either ex or serving Naval reserve. This is a military base. Army,Navy,Airforce. They all have armouries full of weapons which can be,and are signed out on a daily basis. No amount of gun control can stop a weapon being had at a military base and an incident of this nature occuring.

The nutcase bought his weapons over the last few days (legally) in Virginia.
pominoz said:
mick10 said:
Read a lot of posts regarding thr right to bear arms thing. This incident was in a Naval base. I believe the shooter was either ex or serving Naval reserve. This is a military base. Army,Navy,Airforce. They all have armouries full of weapons which can be,and are signed out on a daily basis. No amount of gun control can stop a weapon being had at a military base and an incident of this nature occuring.

The nutcase bought his weapons over the last few days (legally) in Virginia.

That may well be but he'd the intention to carry out this attack. If I'm not mistaken the news reported he simply used the weapons of his first victims. The fact he bought a weapon clearly made the initial first killing easier but I doubt very much that this was going to be prevented. God knows what it was about. It would take generations to change the attitudes of the right to bear arms mindset.
mick10 said:
pominoz said:
mick10 said:
Read a lot of posts regarding thr right to bear arms thing. This incident was in a Naval base. I believe the shooter was either ex or serving Naval reserve. This is a military base. Army,Navy,Airforce. They all have armouries full of weapons which can be,and are signed out on a daily basis. No amount of gun control can stop a weapon being had at a military base and an incident of this nature occuring.

The nutcase bought his weapons over the last few days (legally) in Virginia.

That may well be but he'd the intention to carry out this attack. If I'm not mistaken the news reported he simply used the weapons of his first victims. The fact he bought a weapon clearly made the initial first killing easier but I doubt very much that this was going to be prevented. God knows what it was about. It would take generations to change the attitudes of the right to bear arms mindset.

It will never change, it is too much part of "the American way". There is more chance of the the Middle East problems being solved, than Yanks giving up the right to own a gun.
Sad, but true.
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

I doubt it would help unless ALL manufacturing and sales were stopped-stone cold. If you just enact laws, its pointless since places with the strictest gun control laws are, in fact, the places with very high murder rates-go figure. Its very strange in that the folks who are for gun control are also anti harsh sentencing for these miscreants who carry and USE illegal handguns-again go figure.

Let me know when you invent the machine that will vacuum up all the guns because you can invent one for pollution as well!!!<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 17, 2013 7:24 am --<br /><br />
roaminblue said:
Frank the Yank said:
Josh Blue said:
You are a lunatic then.

Er, um OK then you dont have a clue then. Those things have ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!

When the fiend Nidal Hassan gunned down 13 in Fort Hood years ago, the Obama administration declared it was "workplace violence". They have not changed that determination. Fact!

When the looney kazooney Jared Loughner shot and killed multipl people and wounded a member of Congress in Arizona years ago, he was immediately tied to the Tea Party. Fact!

.........and I am the lunatic?????

I know we get different media sources here, and I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't remember loughner being referred to as anything but a paranoid schizophrenic.

As for Hasan, i know Obama received a lot of criticism for his handling of the Hasan case,but I'm not sure that qualifies it as being "brushed under the carpet". Almost every media source called him an Islamic terrorist, a jihadist etc. I don't understand why Obamas administration may have used words like workplace violence, nor do I understand why troops killed in action are referred to as murdered.

The fear and distrust over Islam in the states is palpable. The tsarnaev brothers, Obama is still called a muslim, an Indian winner of miss America is being told to leave the US for being a Muslim.

Islam is most certainly not being overlooked as a hate figure, quite the opposite and I think you know that.

He was indeed linked with the Tea Party AND it was reported that he was an army veteran by the "main stream" media. I remember that CLEARLY!
I'm not sure of your issue then....the mainstream media dubbed this guy ex military and a tea party member; and the a mainstream media dubbed Hasan a jihadist.

Seems like the press doing what they are always doing.
Frank the Yank said:
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

I doubt it would help unless ALL manufacturing and sales were stopped-stone cold. If you just enact laws, its pointless since places with the strictest gun control laws are, in fact, the places with very high murder rates-go figure. Its very strange in that the folks who are for gun control are also anti harsh sentencing for these miscreants who carry and USE illegal handguns-again go figure.

Let me know when you invent the machine that will vacuum up all the guns because you can invent one for pollution as well!!!

Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.
pominoz said:
Frank the Yank said:
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

I doubt it would help unless ALL manufacturing and sales were stopped-stone cold. If you just enact laws, its pointless since places with the strictest gun control laws are, in fact, the places with very high murder rates-go figure. Its very strange in that the folks who are for gun control are also anti harsh sentencing for these miscreants who carry and USE illegal handguns-again go figure.

Let me know when you invent the machine that will vacuum up all the guns because you can invent one for pollution as well!!!

Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.

He probably means in the states. Is argue that the problem there is more to do with education, poverty, and other socio demographics. They probably have higher crime rates in general, are more densely populated.
roaminblue said:
pominoz said:
Frank the Yank said:
I doubt it would help unless ALL manufacturing and sales were stopped-stone cold. If you just enact laws, its pointless since places with the strictest gun control laws are, in fact, the places with very high murder rates-go figure. Its very strange in that the folks who are for gun control are also anti harsh sentencing for these miscreants who carry and USE illegal handguns-again go figure.

Let me know when you invent the machine that will vacuum up all the guns because you can invent one for pollution as well!!!

Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.

He probably means in the states. Is argue that the problem there is more to do with education, poverty, and other socio demographics. They probably have higher crime rates in general, are more densely populated.
the UK is 100 times more densely populated than the US

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