Shooting in Washington

I think somebody should start an organization like "" or something. They could lobby to make it harder for people with issues to buy guns and work to get rid of high capacity magazines.

Of course the lunatics in the NRA will call them communists.

Oh, and I actually talked to people today that thought that Obama was behind the shootings to get more support for gun control.
Living in the states, it's hard to see this shit happen all the time but all the conservative nut jobs think that everyone deserves to be armed. Fucking ridiculous. Especially when you look at countries like the UK with tight gun laws and almost no gun violence. Can't stand it when people say that tighter laws won't curtail these incidents.
Frank the Yank said:
Josh Blue said:
Frank the Yank said:
Yes, totally!

You are a lunatic then.

Er, um OK then you dont have a clue then. Those things have ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!

When the fiend Nidal Hassan gunned down 13 in Fort Hood years ago, the Obama administration declared it was "workplace violence". They have not changed that determination. Fact!

When the looney kazooney Jared Loughner shot and killed multipl people and wounded a member of Congress in Arizona years ago, he was immediately tied to the Tea Party. Fact!

.........and I am the lunatic?????

Yes, yes you are. Stark raving fucking mad. More mad than a box of frogs.
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?
It's simply too late to implement gun laws in American, you'd probably have more violence in the years following purely because of the disparity in weapon owners.
Frank the Yank said:
Josh Blue said:
Frank the Yank said:
Yes, totally!

You are a lunatic then.

Er, um OK then you dont have a clue then. Those things have ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!

When the fiend Nidal Hassan gunned down 13 in Fort Hood years ago, the Obama administration declared it was "workplace violence". They have not changed that determination. Fact!

When the looney kazooney Jared Loughner shot and killed multipl people and wounded a member of Congress in Arizona years ago, he was immediately tied to the Tea Party. Fact!

.........and I am the lunatic?????

I know we get different media sources here, and I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't remember loughner being referred to as anything but a paranoid schizophrenic.

As for Hasan, i know Obama received a lot of criticism for his handling of the Hasan case,but I'm not sure that qualifies it as being "brushed under the carpet". Almost every media source called him an Islamic terrorist, a jihadist etc. I don't understand why Obamas administration may have used words like workplace violence, nor do I understand why troops killed in action are referred to as murdered.

The fear and distrust over Islam in the states is palpable. The tsarnaev brothers, Obama is still called a muslim, an Indian winner of miss America is being told to leave the US for being a Muslim.

Islam is most certainly not being overlooked as a hate figure, quite the opposite and I think you know that.
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

Not sure about the US, but massacres in Australia stopped as soon as strict gun control laws were introduced.
The "buy back" scheme took 650,000 firearms out of the hands of Australians.
Firearm suicides have fallen from about 22% of all suicides in 1992 to 7% of all suicides in 2005.
There's absolutely no way that strict UK style gun laws will be introduced to the USA anytime soon. It's big business over there, and the NRA is very powerful. Just look at all the reality shows glorifying gun ownership that have come out of the states in the last few years.
I went there on holiday about 15 years ago and had a day in the woods playing with guns. Just me a load of beer with a couple of rednecks and a lot of firearms. Virtually no safety instructions apart from "point it away from me" The drive back was so surreal. The driver was as pissed as I was, with a loaded handgun lying on the dashboard and enough firepower in the back to defend yourself from a Zombie apocalypse. It was a normal Sunday afternoon for them. Go into the woods, get pissed and shoot guns.
Frank the Yank said:
Josh Blue said:
Frank the Yank said:
Yes, totally!

You are a lunatic then.

Er, um OK then you dont have a clue then. Those things have ACTUALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!

When the fiend Nidal Hassan gunned down 13 in Fort Hood years ago, the Obama administration declared it was "workplace violence". They have not changed that determination. Fact!

When the looney kazooney Jared Loughner shot and killed multipl people and wounded a member of Congress in Arizona years ago, he was immediately tied to the Tea Party. Fact!

.........and I am the lunatic?????
The murdering scum Nidal Hassan was rightly sentenced to death.
I wonder what sentence robert bales was given?
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

There would be a civil war.

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