Shooting in Washington

roaminblue said:
pominoz said:
Frank the Yank said:
I doubt it would help unless ALL manufacturing and sales were stopped-stone cold. If you just enact laws, its pointless since places with the strictest gun control laws are, in fact, the places with very high murder rates-go figure. Its very strange in that the folks who are for gun control are also anti harsh sentencing for these miscreants who carry and USE illegal handguns-again go figure.

Let me know when you invent the machine that will vacuum up all the guns because you can invent one for pollution as well!!!

Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.

He probably means in the states. Is argue that the problem there is more to do with education, poverty, and other socio demographics. They probably have higher crime rates in general, are more densely populated.

So nothing to do with having easy access to assault rifles?
pominoz said:
roaminblue said:
pominoz said:
Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.

He probably means in the states. Is argue that the problem there is more to do with education, poverty, and other socio demographics. They probably have higher crime rates in general, are more densely populated.

So nothing to do with having easy access to assault rifles?

Indeed. Why someone needs an assault rifle to defend them and theirs is beyond comprehension.
Chris in London said:
roaminblue said:
pominoz said:
Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.

He probably means in the states. Is argue that the problem there is more to do with education, poverty, and other socio demographics. They probably have higher crime rates in general, are more densely populated.
the UK is 100 times more densely populated than the US

Yeah, I meant that the densley populated areas in the states may have more gun laws than somewhere in the middle of nowhere. These densley populated areas may have higher gun crime rates.<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 17, 2013 4:43 pm --<br /><br />
pominoz said:
roaminblue said:
pominoz said:
Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.

He probably means in the states. Is argue that the problem there is more to do with education, poverty, and other socio demographics. They probably have higher crime rates in general, are more densely populated.

So nothing to do with having easy access to assault rifles?

Don't get me wrong, I think gun crime in the states needs controlling, I was just trying to help with what I perceived was confusion between what was written.

Not really my place, though
pominoz said:
Frank the Yank said:
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

I doubt it would help unless ALL manufacturing and sales were stopped-stone cold. If you just enact laws, its pointless since places with the strictest gun control laws are, in fact, the places with very high murder rates-go figure. Its very strange in that the folks who are for gun control are also anti harsh sentencing for these miscreants who carry and USE illegal handguns-again go figure.

Let me know when you invent the machine that will vacuum up all the guns because you can invent one for pollution as well!!!

I was talking about places INSIDE the USA, NOT any other countries......

Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.
<br /><br />-- Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:00 pm --<br /><br />Dont know what happened when I tried to quote the post BUT I was talking about places INSIDE the USA. The places where most gun violence is happening is, indeed, mostly in very densely populated cities. Most of these cities have the strictest gun control laws so guess what?? The criminals can EASILY get guns.
Frank the Yank said:
pominoz said:
Frank the Yank said:
I doubt it would help unless ALL manufacturing and sales were stopped-stone cold. If you just enact laws, its pointless since places with the strictest gun control laws are, in fact, the places with very high murder rates-go figure. Its very strange in that the folks who are for gun control are also anti harsh sentencing for these miscreants who carry and USE illegal handguns-again go figure.

Let me know when you invent the machine that will vacuum up all the guns because you can invent one for pollution as well!!!

I was talking about places INSIDE the USA, NOT any other countries......

Utter fucking bullshit.
Britain and Australia would have some of the strictest gun control laws, look at their deaths by firearms per 100,000 compared to the good ol USA, or murder rates over all.

-- Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:00 pm --

Dont know what happened when I tried to quote the post BUT I was talking about places INSIDE the USA. The places where most gun violence is happening is, indeed, mostly in very densely populated cities. Most of these cities have the strictest gun control laws so guess what?? The criminals can EASILY get guns.

The point is though that crims or any body can cross state lines and buy the guns they want, then return to the "hood" and fuck people up?
If that is not the case, how hard would it be for crims to get people in easy to get guns states, to buy them and pass them on for a profit "my house was robbed and my guns have gone".

Outlaw the fucking lot and lets see what happens in 20 years time, after another x amount of your people had been killed by weapons that no ordinary person should have in their house.
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

'From my cold dead hands' Charlton Heston once leader of the NRA.

Imagine trying to take assault weapons of nutters who believe they have a divine right that they are allowed firearms.

I would not visit the States if the flight was free. Plus there's more chance of me pulling Kelly Brook than me getting a visa.
mcmanus said:
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

'From my cold dead hands' Charlton Heston once leader of the NRA.

Imagine trying to take assault weapons of nutters who believe they have a divine right that they are allowed firearms.

I would not visit the States if the flight was free. Plus there's more chance of me pulling Kelly Brook than me getting a visa.

I ended up in LA due to a flight fuck up, never wanted to go there.
Had to give finger prints and have my mugshot done, was only there "in-transit' for 6 hours.
Fucking strange place.
mcmanus said:
Chris in London said:
Question for the American posters on the board. I am genuinely interested in the answers.

If your consituational right to bear arms was revoked and gun control laws similar to those in the UK were introduced, do you think that incidents like this would be just as common as now (multiple incidents a year), would be less common but still quite frequent (say an incident like this every 2-3 years), or would be extremely infrequent - a frequency of say less than once in a decade?

'From my cold dead hands' Charlton Heston once leader of the NRA.

Imagine trying to take assault weapons of nutters who believe they have a divine right that they are allowed firearms.

I would not visit the States if the flight was free. Plus there's more chance of me pulling Kelly Brook than me getting a visa.

I have a great deal of time for America and have studied (casually) their history both culturally and politically.

The thing with the 2nd amendment is that the only way that you can compare it (rightly or wrongly) in terms of the Government just taking every ones guns is akin to the UK government taking away our right to vote. I mean this in the feeling it would create rather than the difference in human rights the two obviously have.

The issue is not with the gun law/attitude/culture in the states (you will never ever change that) but in my opinion is why so many Americans want to kill (using any means, for example shotguns kill more than "assault" [not the correct term as assault rifles in the literal sense i.e. military/fully automatic weapons are illegal almost everywhere even in the states] rifles do every year) each other.

The NRA could go along way to return to their roots (they were credit with having huge positive influence in some of the biggest gun reforms in US history) by giving money to charities that deal with mental illness and homelessness (some of the biggest influences on gun murder rates) rather than travelling to foreign countries (Brazil) to lobby their government about stricter gun control in return for gun manufacturers cash.

Sorry for all the () []
Gun control in the US would be pointless. There are already 200 million guns out there. You can shut the stable door if you want but that horse escaped a long long time ago and now has great great grandfoals.

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