Shootings in Paris

ArdwickBlue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
ArdwickBlue said:
I don't post for respect and care not if yours is not given.
Then I hope you're happy in your ignorance.
I for one will not hold anything you post on this topic with any regard from here on in.

Do what you want.

I stopped holding anything you post with any regard ages ago.

Haha. How old are you?
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
ArdwickBlue said:
I never said it was my belief homosexuality was a choice. I said I wasn't aware of any definitive evidence that was universally accepted to prove or disprove "are you born gay". Does that make me a homophobe?. No it doesn't.

Show me where I said this?.

You're trying to railroad me into a discussion on homosexuality. Probably to try and out me (no pun intended) as a homophobe. You were struggling to keep up and tried to steer me elsewhere.

I have no issue with homosexuality. If you want to start a thread debating "are you born gay", do so, I may even join in if you like.

I've added the posts below which clearly refute your wide of the mark accusations. Read them slowly so you can absorb my answers.

I hope that clears that up.

Doesn't clear anything up other than your ignorance.

Ignorance about what?. Gay people?. Why are you so uptight about it?.

You say there is no definitive evidence whether homosexuality is a choice in a thread largely about religion! You have said that you can see how Muslims have been provoked by the cartoons mocking Mohammed. Do you have definite proof that Mohammed existed as chronicled? A universally accepted research to prove or disprove he existed? I'd love to have a link if you do?

The authenticity of the Quran, the bible etc are unascertainable. So is it only certain topics you need a universally accepted thesis to be able to make your mind up.

A question, as you seem you ask some yourself. What religion are you, if any. I think earlier in the thread you said you werent a Muslim. Don't answer if you don't want to or don't feel pertinent by the way.
stony said:
ArdwickBlue said:
Mëtal Bikër said:
Then I hope you're happy in your ignorance.
I for one will not hold anything you post on this topic with any regard from here on in.

Do what you want.

I stopped holding anything you post with any regard ages ago.

Haha. How old are you?

Coming from a grown up using emojis.

Well I laughed.
johnmc said:
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
Doesn't clear anything up other than your ignorance.

Ignorance about what?. Gay people?. Why are you so uptight about it?.

You say there is no definitive evidence whether homosexuality is a choice in a thread largely about religion! You have said that you can see how Muslims have been provoked by the cartoons mocking Mohammed. Do you have definite proof that Mohammed existed as chronicled? A universally accepted research to prove or disprove he existed? I'd love to have a link if you do?

The authenticity of the Quran, the bible etc are unascertainable. So is it only certain topics you need a universally accepted thesis to be able to make your mind up.

A question, as you seem you ask some yourself. What religion are you, if any. I think earlier in the thread you said you werent a Muslim. Don't answer if you don't want to or don't feel pertinent by the way.

John, for the last time, I didn't say that. Read the post (again, slowly) FFS.

Have you started that thread yet?.


I am not a Muslim, I do not follow any form of any religion, I was not raised religious, I was never christened, I never attended a religious school, my parents are not religious.

This doesn't mean I have no understanding of religion, as a matter of fact I have always taken a keen interest in it. Without ever practicing any of its doctrine.
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
ArdwickBlue said:
Ignorance about what?. Gay people?. Why are you so uptight about it?.

You say there is no definitive evidence whether homosexuality is a choice in a thread largely about religion! You have said that you can see how Muslims have been provoked by the cartoons mocking Mohammed. Do you have definite proof that Mohammed existed as chronicled? A universally accepted research to prove or disprove he existed? I'd love to have a link if you do?

The authenticity of the Quran, the bible etc are unascertainable. So is it only certain topics you need a universally accepted thesis to be able to make your mind up.

A question, as you seem you ask some yourself. What religion are you, if any. I think earlier in the thread you said you werent a Muslim. Don't answer if you don't want to or don't feel pertinent by the way.

John, for the last time, I didn't say that. Read the post (again, slowly) FFS.

Have you started that thread yet?.

No. No need as I know what the universal answer will be.

Nice swerve though.
The pope has waded in by saying there needs to be respect shown for people's ideals of not depicting their prophet.
johnmc said:
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
You say there is no definitive evidence whether homosexuality is a choice in a thread largely about religion! You have said that you can see how Muslims have been provoked by the cartoons mocking Mohammed. Do you have definite proof that Mohammed existed as chronicled? A universally accepted research to prove or disprove he existed? I'd love to have a link if you do?

The authenticity of the Quran, the bible etc are unascertainable. So is it only certain topics you need a universally accepted thesis to be able to make your mind up.

A question, as you seem you ask some yourself. What religion are you, if any. I think earlier in the thread you said you werent a Muslim. Don't answer if you don't want to or don't feel pertinent by the way.

John, for the last time, I didn't say that. Read the post (again, slowly) FFS.

Have you started that thread yet?.

No. No need as I know what the universal answer will be.

Nice swerve though.

That's a shame, I was willing to join in. ;-o

I edited my post above, no swerve intended.
Prestwich_Blue said:
Give over girls!

The Pope has commented, sensibly I think:
The Pope says people 'cannot insult the faith of others', adding that he would punch someone if they offended his mother, as he debated freedom of speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack. The Pontiff said there were limits to freedom of expression and that 'provocateurs' should not purposely anger religious people.

Speaking on board the papal plane on his way to the Philippines, he also insisted that it was an 'aberration' to kill in the name of God and that religion can never be used to justify violence. The Pope says people 'cannot insult the faith of others', adding that he would punch someone if they offended his mother, as he debated freedom of speech in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack.

The Pontiff said there were limits to freedom of expression and that 'provocateurs' should not purposely anger religious people. Speaking on board the papal plane on his way to the Philippines, he also insisted that it was an 'aberration' to kill in the name of God and that religion can never be used to justify violence.

On one hand he rejects violence and on the other says sometimes it's justified.
ArdwickBlue said:
johnmc said:
ArdwickBlue said:
John, for the last time, I didn't say that. Read the post (again, slowly) FFS.

Have you started that thread yet?.

No. No need as I know what the universal answer will be.

Nice swerve though.

That's a shame, I was willing to join in. ;-o

I edited my post above, no swerve intended.

Fair play. I've never known anyone who has such a keen interest in religion without themselves being religious. So, on a serious note, you must see good and bad in every religion and given you are interested in all religions you must know that given all the different theories they all can't be correct and likely therefore than none are and religion is merely a vehicle.
blue underpants said:
johnny on the spot said:
BBC reporting three killed in a counter-terror raid in Belgium.
Some of the missing 6 from the Paris Islamic terrorist cell, I wonder!
They knew the Couachi Bros been in touch with them for weeks, also looking for the Couachi Bros contacts in Spain, probably in Seville

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