Should Hodgson go?

Blue Hefner said:
GHoddle said:
He's a portrait in mediocrity. Of course he should go, 1 point when Costa Rica got 7 is disgraceful.

I've just seen the post-match interview, talk about lowering expectations and standards.

In years gone by there would be outrage at drawing 0-0 with Costa Rica but not now. Now we are told we 'give it our all', 'dominated' and 'created some chances'.

Martin Samuel did a good piece today in the Mail Online. He makes the point that for some reason(which has been accepted by some of the media) the England national team no longer is judged by results but by things such as preperation for the tournement and other peripheral things

We were superbly prepared. The atmosphere in the camp was wonderful. We have a group of fantastic young players. The manager played a blinder. We got everything absolutely spot on, except the results. Talk about being in denial ;).
The **** should be sacked. If he had anything about him, or any kind of pride he would have resigned like the Italian coach. I can't believe the media haven't slaughtered him.
I used to like him but after some of these quite bizarre post-match statements I think he(amongst others) should go

The manager, coaching staff and players all appear to be in some sort of bubble and see what happened in a completely different light to everyone else.

For example, we are the only country who would go out of a group like that, with 1 point, no wins, still wanting Gerrard and Lampard to play and say the 'signs are good for the future'!

No they are not! Teams are judged on tournements, we were appauling and if that sort of standard is being accepted by management(inc Dyke) I'm not holding out much hope for improvement

I might bookmark this to save me writing it in 2yrs, and 2yrs after that...
He did exactly this at Liverpool always talked down there chances like he was still managing a small team.
Blue Hefner said:
I might bookmark this to save me writing it in 2yrs, and 2yrs after that...

I didn't bookmark this but it wasn't hard to find, I can't believe how so many people thought it was a good appointment at the time.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=14&t=255283&hilit=hodgson</a>
Worst World Cup since 1958 says it all. I said it on here before our first game that this would be our worst World Cup after all the hype and I was right. Anyone can see the cracks in this team yet Hodgson went down the risky road of just playing the same team and hoping the names made the difference. Anyone with an appreciation for football in 2014 or any other City supporter will be able to see the superior setup we have here at City and just how far ahead of the game we are and just how we are doing things so right compared to anyone else.

Why did Hodgson say before the Italy game that we had a plan to deal with Pirlo yet there was ZERO plan to deal with Pirlo. We then said again that we had a plan to deal with Suarez and it was as though some secret tactical plan was being hatched. Instead we played the EXACT same team which lost to Italy and the same cracks came out in the end. It's just stupid, why didn't he play 3 in midfield and block things up? A 0-0 draw in both games and a win or draw against Costa Rica would probably of seen us through??

This manager just knows how to pick a team based on reputation, best position and that's about it, I'd say half of England could of picked that team and in the Italy game they were motivated and did okay but again the cracks were there. He does not do what the best managers do and that is to pick a team that is built to beat the opposition. He doesn't know how to pick and train a team to play to it's strengths and minimize the effect of it's weaknesses. Instead our weaknesses were ignored and we tried to just play to our strengths. Playing the same team is fine when they are winning but playing the same team with the same problems is suicidal as against Uruguay. Even the game against Costa Rica could of been winnable had he played the players needed to win the game, instead he just rotated every position with a respective 2nd squad member... WHY?? I know we were out but why doesn't he want to win??

We actually played okay in the first 2 games but we did not do enough to defend in either and this is all down to the fact that clearly zero effort is placed upon working on dealing with the opposition. I'm pretty sure the only focus in training is how we can score as many as possible. Why haven't people learnt that it doesn't work??? Ask Liverpool and Gerrard how scoring so many goals worked for them this year??? That mentality is the only thing that clearly was concentrated on because we were so bad defensively yet at times our attacking play looked excellent despite the lack of goals....

If England is to move forward there needs to be a world class effort made in detailing this team to win football matches against specific opposition. City have an entire TEAM of people who analyze and pick out weaknesses in the opposition. They can also analyze performance and provide advice to players on their positional play and problems in their game which gives them the chance to improve. No players for England have improved or showed any signs of being told they are playing shite nor has anyone noticed because they weren't dropped.... England no doubt have Gary Neville and some bloke in the back with his computer doing all this work. Why is a nation like ours so naive to think that we can just pick the exact same team which cocked up defensively against Italy to then play against 2 of the best strikers in the world?? It really does beggar belief.

Unfortunately, I really don't think Hodgson is the kind of manager who will want a team of people analyzing the opposition and offering advice as to how we setup against an opposition. He is a football dinosaur and had he been Italian or Swedish, he'd be in the dole queue right now....

Our national team needs a complete kick up the arse and we need to get rid of the old and bring in someone fresh, someone who's drive is to get results. We need someone who doesn't believe in destiny, a cut throat mentality or anything else ridiculous. Someone who is prepared to completely revolutionize the way our national team approaches football. Probably the best kind of manager for this position is Martinez at Everton but that will never happen. Even Villas-Boas would be great because he is one of the biggest advocates of studying and analyzing the opposition so that we can pick a team to beat them.

We don't need a name or an Englishman, we need someone who can win this country football matches. We need someone who accepts the need to pick the team based upon minimizing our weaknesses, dealing with the opposition and then using our own strengths to win a match.. None of that happened under Hodgson and I'm sorry but it NEVER will happen either.
No brainer, he was never the right man for the job, we need the likes of Martinez to manage the national team, so he gets my vote, Hodgson wont go until after the Euro failure but when he does, lets get Martinez in sharpish and move forward, clear the deadwood and start again with some modern thinking with young talented players which we have already got.
wayne71 said:
Blue Hefner said:
I might bookmark this to save me writing it in 2yrs, and 2yrs after that...

I didn't bookmark this but it wasn't hard to find, I can't believe how so many people thought it was a good appointment at the time.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=14&t=255283&hilit=hodgson</a>

Was it not just him v Dodgy Redknapp at the time. I don't think he should go. Fine margins. Sacking a manager every time isn't the right thing to do. City fans should know that all too well.
I heard him wittering away on TalkSport yesterday while I was driving and found myself responding with "Oh fuck off Woy" and turning it off. For someone who is apparently so likeable, he's done a great job in making me dislike him intensely over the last week or so. The talking down of this team's ability has reached ridiculous proportions, with the manager himself being the most guilty of all. He oozes mediocrity and inspires absolutely nothing.

Given that he's not managed a single victory out of Ecuador, Honduras, Italy, Uruguay and Costa Rica, it's incredible that we're even having this discussion. Of course he should go.
manchester blue said:
wayne71 said:
Blue Hefner said:
I might bookmark this to save me writing it in 2yrs, and 2yrs after that...

I didn't bookmark this but it wasn't hard to find, I can't believe how so many people thought it was a good appointment at the time.

<a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=14&t=255283&hilit=hodgson</a>

Was it not just him v Dodgy Redknapp at the time. I don't think he should go. Fine margins. Sacking a manager every time isn't the right thing to do. City fans should know that all too well.

City's problem was never the sacking of managers, our problem was when it came to hiring good ones!

I think City have usually sacked well but hired poorly(up until recently)

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