Should Hughes resign?

We can not keep a bad manager in the job, nor is it possible that our defenders are not doing their job,

In case you missed the last 18 months we have had 11 or 12 different players in the back four, ALL internationals, are we expected to believe that they ALL dont know what to do, or have ALL suddenly decided not to be arsed playing.

The one common denominator is defenders out of possition, unless they have ALL decided to ignore the managers instructions every game, doubtfull if only because numpty would be the first to blame the players if he could, that means they are being told to play where and how by numpty

This aint been one or two game, its been 18 months of watching it fail and STILL doing it, thats a bad manager, thats hughes that is.
bobmcfc said:
managers generally don't quit unless they have been offered a bigger job more well paid job.

After what he's done here and the average job he did at Blackburn there is no way he would get a bigger job although I suspect Hull will be watching this situation very closely.
bizzbo said:
interesting isn't it... IF this doesn't improve greatly, how does he go from this job to another? He wouldn't get another big job, not that there are any... Is he like Fat Sam who easily gets a job at a smaller club down the road, a McLaren who goes abroad to rebuild his rep, or an O'Leary who disappears? Or, perhaps worse of all, he ends up as QPR's 3425th manager in two years?

He'll be Newcastle United's manager for start of next season.
Chippy_boy said:
You can't fault our owners for the commitment they have shown and for sticking with Hughes for so long.

After 80 games in charge and the pitiful display last night, would the decent thing be for Hughes to offer his resignation?

11 points out of 30
No system or strategy
Basic defensive errors, week-in, week-out
Numerous backroom issues

Come on Mark, it's plain you are out of your depth. Do the decent thing and resign. Leave with some honour left intact.

Hughes is the man last year that slammed Elano for asking for a contract extension because he had 2 years left. Then a couple of months latter asked for one himself as he had only 2 years left on his contract.
The good games like Liverpool, Chelsea and Arsenal were because the players DON'T need motivating for such occasions as the whole world is watching.

The players need motivating for EVERY game, we need to work out who the motivator is and sort it out!!
harrogateblue said:
We can't keep sacking managers, we just can't keep doing it. It is generally not a great method of improving the team. It might be an idea for our defenders to actually do the basics and defend and for that lazy sod Adebayor to actually give a bit of effort now and again.
It is also quite clear that Robinho is a complete and utter chancer and waste of a jersey.
Inner or outer? I'm probably a fence sitter in that I want the very best for City and would like Hughes to succeed but I'm not sure we can put up with many more utter crap performances like last night.

[Begin Sarcasm] Yeah its all the players fault just like last year when we had a different starting 11 and it was all there fault. Its got nothing at all to do with the tactics and training methods employed by Hughes and his staff. Actually now we've cleared that one up, you know that the results and performances on the pitch have fuck all to do with the manager. Why do we need a manager and a back room staff why not just get rid of the lot of them and let the players sort it out the lazy bastards. [End Sarcasm]
citymad said:
bobmcfc said:
managers generally don't quit unless they have been offered a bigger job more well paid job.

After what he's done here and the average job he did at Blackburn there is no way he would get a bigger job although I suspect Hull will be watching this situation very closely.
I have a feeling he will end up at Bolton.
Nice input Challenger, reasoned response. It can't always be the manager though, I mean we have went through a shite load in the years.
So in that respect then it's fuck all to do with the players and it's all the managers fault?
It's probably a lot of both but if you wish to look at it like it's all Hughes fault well good for you.
Yes thats exactly what it can be when it keeps happening Harrowgate,

Every player will have an off day or two, but not all players every time they get on the pitch in our back four, and it has been a shambles since numpty got here, he started playing the missing fullback formation with a zonal defence and its only managed to make experianced players look poor while leaking goals.

Its a tactic with built in gaps that leave players stranded out of possition, and players unmarked running into the box or far post as the central pair have to move over towards the the goals against for the last 18 months an see just how many times this happens.

Has he changed it?, has he even seen it?, according to him its the refs or the players at fault, all is going to plan an we do not see a load of toss most weeks, but a high quality preformance............f*ck off hughes, your time is long up.
harrogateblue said:
We can't keep sacking managers, we just can't keep doing it. It is generally not a great method of improving the team. It might be an idea for our defenders to actually do the basics and defend and for that lazy sod Adebayor to actually give a bit of effort now and again.
It is also quite clear that Robinho is a complete and utter chancer and waste of a jersey.
Inner or outer? I'm probably a fence sitter in that I want the very best for City and would like Hughes to succeed but I'm not sure we can put up with many more utter crap performances like last night.

i think he should stay till January. but your basic argument is flawed.

so its nothing to do with the manager, the way our defence plays it just the players, just maybe Ade and robinho are baffled and bewildered by what Hughes is asking and expecting them to do, not to mention the service they are getting. tactics, defensive strategy`s, zonal marking or not, its all down to players, sorry your wrong mate. it down to the manager. the buck stops with mh and his backroom staff

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