Should John Terry be dropped.

Pam said:
Boff said:
Capello shouldn't have spoke out in the press either.. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... 3526_123_1</a>
to me they're as bad as each other as are the rest of the squad
let's see if they start to do their talking on the pitch or just roll over and die

Well the hell not? Terry took it public when he openly questioned Capello's credibility. Why should Capello keep his responses private or even want to. I'm only amazed he didn't say something sooner.

capello sacks terry as england captain and guess what at the first sign of trouble he puts the boot in and tries to cover it up as the act of a proud englishman, what a odious scumbag, he has shit on his manager and his team mates
hilts said:
capello sacks terry as england captain and guess what at the first sign of trouble he puts the boot in and tries to cover it up as the act of a proud englishman, what a odious scumbag, he has shit on his manager and his team mates

Unfortunately it does smack of oneupmanship, yes. Can't think of any other reason for Terry going public with this.
Carl_Man_City said:
Anyone who thinks Terry should be dropped is an idiot.

Yeah, because he has played out of his skin these last two matches and he maintains the togetherness and camaraderie in the squad. It would be stupid NOT to drop him. He's pants anyway, these days.
dannybcity said:
Capello is a great manager. When we failed in Germany it was Sven's fault for being too laid back, now we're failing in South Africa we're failing because of Capello. It's about time the "Goldern Generation" steps up to the plate and stop letting others take the blame. For the record I wouldn't drop Terry but I'd certainly drop Rooney and Lampard. Every single Tournament we play in we play Lampard and Gerrard and then scratch our heads as to why they can't play together.

"The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Albert Einstein.


I actually like the look of that team and i think we would do well with it. Its time to pick the best team and not the best players.
Pam said:
Carl_Man_City said:
Anyone who thinks Terry should be dropped is an idiot.

Yeah, because he has played out of his skin these last two matches and he maintains the togetherness and camaraderie in the squad. It would be stupid NOT to drop him. He's pants anyway, these days.

The guy is a fanny merchant. He knows that because of the injury situation he has become virtually undroppable.

johnson...upson...dawson...a cole

............ barry....carrick

..........milner....gerrard.....j cole


if all above are fit

formation like brazil full backs have to get forward, barry and carrick hold but are also our best passes of the ball, gerrard box to box,j cole imagination, milner work rate, defoe our best finisher, all bases covered, if we cant at least look like a football team then we may as well give up, will never happen though
BobKowalski said:
Well if we actually had any other CB's then probably yes. JT screwed up on so many levels it ain't funny. Having a candid meeting with the manager is fine. Happens all the time and best thing to do is keep it out of the public domain until at least after the dust has settled.

But don't tell the whole f**king world what you are going to do and imply you are doing it 1) because only you care and 2) because only you can being the 'natural leader'. The first bit just f**ks off Capello and the second bit f**ks off Gerrard as Captain.

Don't then compound it by saying only 2 players have the wit to outfox the Algerian defence thereby f**king off all the other midfield and some of the attacking players and do not mention names of those who are allegedly 'in with you' in taking on the manager and getting him to change tactics and team selection because they ain't going to be impressed.

Fabio should give Jose a ring and compare notes on John 'Mr Loyalty' Terry.
And don't then compound it further by not even going ahead with what you so bravely said you were gonna do. The guy's a tit.
"Big Mistake"

Cant stand Terry but unfortunately he is one of, if not, the best English defender there is.

If we did actually progress in this competition (big if), it would pain me to see the likes of Terry, Rooney, Ashley Cole become national heroes and be immortalised like the 66 team, as I think the majority of the team are just over paid chavs who would probably be inside the big house if they were'nt playing football
Kevin Pietersen lives in Chelsea, maybe he shared a few tips with him about getting on with your coach.
mackenzie said:
I can't understand what Terry sought to achieve, by putting it into the public domain.

How does that help England?

It doesn't. it helps Terry.

He's risking the wrath of a nations football fans and destroying a squad by stirring, the majority of football fans think he's a devious bastard and he's lost money and sponsorship deals from it. If England turn it around and have a respectable tournament, the sycophantic press will hail him a hero and everything he's done will be instantly wiped clean and the money from deals will come rolling in again.

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