Should this whiny woman I know be allowed to go on holiday?

Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

SWP's back said:
The Pink Panther said:
SWP's back said:
Majorca is part of the EU and as such, she needs not bother with travel insurance as an E 111 will suffice.

What the E111 does not cover

It does not cover:

* The EHIC is not a substitute or replacement for private travel insurance. You should always take out an appropriate private policy in addition to carrying your EHIC.
* It will not cover the costs of private healthcare or services that are not part of the state healthcare system.
* It will not cover the costs of being brought back to the UK.
* It will not allow you to go abroad to specifically receive treatment (including going abroad to give birth).
* The card may not be used in some regions, as there may be no state provided healthcare available.

So if she does become immobile, the E111 will not cover the cost of her family staying with her and it will not cover the repatriation costs
No, but 99.99% of the time you don't need that anyway.

The E111 will cover the costs of care and treatment, much like the NHS does in the UK. It is simply an equivilancy.

Oh dear some badly uninformed people on here.
An EHIC card entitles the bearer to the same treatment as a national of the country they are visiting in the EU.
That is not the treatment they would get in the UK, ie free at source.
So for instance in France you pay for all treatment up front are are subsequently reimbursed as a French citizen would with the insurance they use.
No pay - no treatment.
When I have used mine it took 4 months after returning to the UK to get my money refunded.
Also when in a French hospital you are charged board and lodge. They won't feed you if you don't pay! EHIC doesn't cover any such charges.
You MUST top up with insurance if you haven't got a generous credit allowance on your credit card.
There are also many stories of Spanish hospitals refusing to accept EHIC cards. This may be illegal but it isn't any help at the time knowing you are right when Majorca General won't treat your compound fracture is it?
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

So if a Spanish national needs hospital treatment in the UK, does the NHS bill the Spanish govt?
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

SWP's back said:
The Pink Panther said:
SWP's back said:
No, but 99.99% of the time you don't need that anyway.

The E111 will cover the costs of care and treatment, much like the NHS does in the UK. It is simply an equivilancy.

She has supposedly a chronic neck problem, chances are if she's going to take ill, it'll be that, especially if she is going on the piss in her high heeled shoes
If I knew I had a serious health issue, I wouldn't travel without peace of mind
My Mother in Law has major back problems and her additional health insurance is not insubstantial. She will not travel abroad without this cover.
Chronic doesn't mean "awful", it means "unlikely to get better"/"persistant or long term".

That confirms what I'm on about
If she has a persistent long term issue that she probably will never recover from, she needs to declare this to her insurance company, or her whole insurance policy, if she takes one out, will be null and void

Back to my original question though, if she doesn't take out the insurance at the not insignificant sum, something goes wrong and she sends out this plea for help (you can almost see it now on North West Tonight "Ooooh, well it was going to cost £500 to insure us and I couldn't afford it on top of the holiday cost with being on benefits, but I need £8,000 for medical fees and to get me home and the Government won't help") would you sympathise?
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Has anyone suggested forcing the unemployed to wear green hats, so they are easily identifiable?

Could they have tea towels sown on to them?

No, that would pose a terrorist threat. Whilst we may think they're just unemployed scum, they could actually be Muslim women wearing alternative head gear loaded with explosives.

Blowjobs V Bombs, nobody is safe.

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