Should this whiny woman I know be allowed to go on holiday?

Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

The cookie monster said:
They are clowns mate,they think every single person claiming any sort if benefit are scroungers,thats how stupid they are.

I would like to think you are wrong, but alas you might be right.

I started a thread how we make assumptions from very little data. If people actually knew how they were coming over on here I am sure they would think before posting.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

BoyBlue_1985 said:
oakiecokie said:
BoyBlue_1985 said:
Oh good lord man i just put a number in i doubt all fraudsters play fucking golf 4 days a week either. Fucking hell sue me.
If you really wanna stick up for the people who lie about being disabled and ruin it for everyone else then i dont know why but its your choice.
Or you could read it again and not just get wound up about 1 point

-- Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:41 pm --

Oh and you cut half of it out and you cant quote properly

Calm down dear its only ... :) Please see my other posts since and I have apologied to you.

I saw mate. Like i said nothing against the people with real problems i was there in my younger years. Good to know despite everything you managed to get by and come out the other side in a decent posistion.

As I said BB more good fortune than anything,due to my pension.However,I know of families in my home town,where generations of families have never worked because they know "the system" for want of better words.
I know of other poor sods who cannot claim DLA because some twat at the other end doesn`t understand that individuals needs and expects the vulnerable to work without any financial help,whilst teenage girls seem to get financial aid and a house at the drop of a hat.
Fucking system mate and it needs a better overall,basically to help the dire and unfortunates.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

Josh Blue said:
high horses
Higher fences.

4 horses dead.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:24 pm --<br /><br />
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Some people must read the Daily Mail and truly believe that everything in it is gospel. People are being made redundant left, right and centre, all of whom I imagine have houses, bills and maybe children to pay for. What are you supposed to do if there is no job to waltz straight in to? That's why we have a welfare state, we all contribute to support people who find themselves in a situation where they can't look after themselves.

People who have broken their backs working for this country now find themselves out of work through no fault of their own, and now they are being branded lazy and bone idle? Take a look at the real world, it's unfair and cruel. One of the few things we can be proud of is the knowledge that part of our taxes is going to the needy.

Too many small minded people look over the road at their scrounging neighbour who signs on while going to the pub every day and putting a bet on, without seeing the guy on the street behind yours who feels worthless because he pounds the streets every day looking for work but gets turned away.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

In all honesty i have seen both sides of the track and i have seen the good and the bad on both.
Growing up on council estate most people holding down 1 or 2 jobs helping each other out with child care so not having to pay others for it, friends parents looking down there nose at me and my Mum because we were "poor". 2 people across the road from us who were not disabled in anyway claiming disability. So disabled was one he managed to do jobs that many healthy people would struggle with.
Then now living a better life i dont look down on people who try and make a go, who cant get a job, who are truly disabled in any capacity. All these people just like me and Mum were should be given state help to get by. I have always said its never about these people i was one and im not going to be a hypocrite about it. Its the 16yr old girls in the street saying "fack that Sharron i aint gettin a job. Me and Paul iz gonna have another kid so we can get some more money." The career fucking layabouts that think the world owes them something despite never giving anything towards it in there entire lives. The lazy false disabled claimants who get £40,000 a year and spend 4 days a week playing golf, they get found out and fined £2.57 a week.

Unfortunately there has been some vivid line drawn in what poverty really is now as well, its not too long ago when struggling by meant wondering what you had to cut back on to feed yourself that week not i cant afford a full Sky package "how will i survive"
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

nijinsky's fetlocks said:
When the OP started this thread,the answer to anybody with a fully functioning brain was yes.
The fact that the debate has run to 23 pages and counting depresses me beyond belief,and seriously tests my faith in humanity.

I was very much under the impression that you didn't have any.<br /><br />-- Wed Mar 14, 2012 7:54 pm --<br /><br />
gaudinho's stolen car said:
Some people must read the Daily Mail and truly believe that everything in it is gospel. People are being made redundant left, right and centre, all of whom I imagine have houses, bills and maybe children to pay for. What are you supposed to do if there is no job to waltz straight in to? That's why we have a welfare state, we all contribute to support people who find themselves in a situation where they can't look after themselves.

People who have broken their backs working for this country now find themselves out of work through no fault of their own, and now they are being branded lazy and bone idle? Take a look at the real world, it's unfair and cruel. One of the few things we can be proud of is the knowledge that part of our taxes is going to the needy.

Too many small minded people look over the road at their scrounging neighbour who signs on while going to the pub every day and putting a bet on, without seeing the guy on the street behind yours who feels worthless because he pounds the streets every day looking for work but gets turned away.

Great post, GSC.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

gordondaviesmoustache said:
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
When the OP started this thread,the answer to anybody with a fully functioning brain was yes.
The fact that the debate has run to 23 pages and counting depresses me beyond belief,and seriously tests my faith in humanity.

I was very much under the impression that you didn't have any.

That's a tad harsh.
Just because I have a deep rooted and pathological hatred of most of mankind doesn't mean I don't have a soft side.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

gordondaviesmoustache said:
I was very much under the impression that you didn't have any.
Bit harsh there. He only lacks faith in those of a religious persuasion, right-wing tendencies or internet forum posters called Skashion.
Re: Should people on benefits be allowed abroad?

Can't stand people who abuse the system for their own benefit and can't see that it's no better than theft.

No fucking wonder we taxpayers subsidise the Rail industry by 3-4bn a year and UK rail users pay 30% more than they do on the continent ... sack the fucking lot of them!

I am picking on the right people aren't I?

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