should we sing for hughesy next week

moomba said:
i kne albert davy said:
having read through this thread it seems quite clear that we are divided into three camps those who thought hughes did a good job for us,those who thought he did a decent job and the total bigots who just scream rag cnut and wa**er non stop.

I think you're missing a group there.

I certainly don't think he did a great job, can't even begin to comprehend how anyone could think he had.

Don't think he did a decent job either given the resources he had at his disposal.

Never called him a rag cnut and don't care who he played for. I may have called him a wanker on the odd occasion but certainly not constantly, and not at the ground. And while I may have called him a clueless Welsh muppet once or twice I wouldn't describe myself as a bigot by any means.

You may just have to accept that there are people who thought he did a shit job over 18 months for no reason other than their judgement of the job he did over that period.
sorry mate missed you out please except my apology
it would be stupid for us to make a song for him after he left those ego players out there with no ambition and no respect for the club as awhole and u wanna sing that's dumb,anyway i don't have one for him if u guys do so but let me say he is committed to is new found club which is $%)+.
Soulboy said:
de niro said:
On the fence then :)

Never forget that you started this thread... so if Mancini gets sacked as a result of some fans chanting Hughes' name, it's all your fault!

I bet you regret that open letter now...!


lol he wont get sacked, tell you what though what about mark coming back along side bob, almost mercer/allison style?

best of both worlds.
de niro said:
Soulboy said:
Never forget that you started this thread... so if Mancini gets sacked as a result of some fans chanting Hughes' name, it's all your fault!

I bet you regret that open letter now...!


lol he wont get sacked, tell you what though what about mark coming back along side bob, almost mercer/allison style?

best of both worlds.

Can you imagine them as a double act in the press conferences?

"Eeez very imporrtan. And dynamic. Obviously."
tolmie's hairdoo said:
Anyone who sings for Hughes practically signs the death warrant for this team and this manager.

Why don't you just provide carte blanche?

Hughes was a devious, manipulative, out-of-his-depth cnut.

Found his level at Fulham.

Spot on Tolmie.

I think are away support is too good to drop to the level of cheering the other teams manager.

A polite applause at the beginning as a thanks for trying, then we move on, this is a game city must and CAN win.
I agree Tolmie as far as I'm concerned if you cheer for Hughes on Sunday (you probably booed on Saturday as well) you might as well stay and become Fulham fans. Oh we might not score as many goals as under Hughes Atm but at least we can defend.

He has found his level at Fulham and with the resources he had available he was mediocre at best. I expect us to win 3-1 on Sunday with RSC getting the third. Please show Bobby a little bit of respect on Sunday. CTID.
de niro said:
he did wonders for us considering the state the club were in when he took over.

will get a big cheer from me, might even go early and greet him and wish him well.

yeah a terrible state, lets thank Hughes for turning things around after Sven got his into Europe and 9th place finish, never mind all that money we got rid of all them staff and replacement with them lovely welsh folk. Hats off to Hughsie lets give him a rousing reception
I see the devious bellend has been commenting on how "they made a change with a view to accelerating the club's progress. That doesn't seem to have happened."

I think it has, you self serving creep, given that the club had slumped from ninth when you took over to being a shambolic mess of a team going backwards in sixth when you left.

For all those that repeat the mantra of "Hughes was dignified and honest" on this thread and others, I've never come across a statement that I consider to be more false.

Brian Horton - he was dignified and honest.

Sven - he was dignified and honest

Even Keegan - he was honest and only lost his dignity when his desire forn success made him say silly things.

Hughes doesn't say silly things, he says calculated, back stabbing, self-serving things.

Ask the players that he approved extensive briefing against in the press whether he was honest and dignified.

Ask the club whether his constant bleating about how good he was and how he was doing a brilliant job when results said otherwise was dignified.

Ask the previous manager and his staff whether Hughes' constant claims that the club was the most unprofessional club in the world ever before he turned it round whether they think he was dignified and honest.

Ask all the staff who weren't part of the Taffia who he shat on, got rid of for any old bum who was his mate or family or generally found that he was unable to have a professional relationship with anyone who wasn't licking his arse whether he was honest or dignified.

Take the dozens of more successful and better managers who had to listen to his weekly proclaimations that he was the most professional manager in the world and that his staff were better than any other coaches in the world and that no other manager would have been able to come close to acheiving what he did at City and ask them whether they consider that dignified (if you can get them to stop laughing).

Ask anyone else who was on the receiving end of his constant quest to deflect any sort of blame away from himself and on to someone, anyone, else whether he was dignified.

Look at every word that ever leaves his mouth and see that it is always based around some sort of snide comment designed to boost his own credibility and run down the credibility of others and then judge whether he was dignified.

Hughes is the least dignified manager I can remember at City. At least Ball was a straight forward buffoon whose bullshit wasn't disguised.

The only way Mark Hughes can be considered honest and dignified is if you like wearing a nice suit and being a boring bastard, if you like being full of cliches and disguised self promotion when he was here and if you like, when sacked, carrying a massive wad of money that makes it in his interests to keep his mouth shut.

If you consider all that to be dignified, whilst not being able to see how much poison he spouts, just because he doesn't rant and rave like Joe Kinnear, then, yeah, he might be dignified.

If you consider dignity to be more than just acting out what you think dignity should look like whilst constantly spouting and actually doing just the opposite, then you'll know that Hughes' time here (and most of his career) has been marked by a complete lack of dignity.

He can feck off.
JohnMaddocksAxe said:
I see the devious bellend has been commenting on how "they made a change with a view to accelerating the club's progress. That doesn't seem to have happened."

I think it has, you self serving creep, given that the club had slumped from ninth when you took over to being a shambolic mess of a team in going backwards in sixth when you left.

For all those that repeat the mantra of "Hughes was dignified and honest" on this thread and others, I've never come across a statement that I consider to be more false.

Brian Horton - he was dignified and honest.

Sven - he was dignified and honest

Even Keegan - he was honest and only lost his dignity when his desire forn success made him say silly things.

Hughes doesn't say silly things, he says calculated, back stabbing, self serving things.

Ask the players that he approved extensive briefing against in the press whether he was honest and dignified.

Ask the club whether his constant bleating about how good he was and how he was doing a brilliant job when results said otherwise was dignified.

Ask the previous manager and staff whether Hughes' constant claims that the club was the most unprofessional club in the world ever before he turned it round whether they think he was dignified and honest.

Ask all the staff who weren't part of the Taffia who he shat on, got rid of for any old bum who was his mate or family orgenerally found that he was unable to have a professional relationship with anyone who wasn't licking his arse whether he was honest or dignified.

Ask the dozens of more successful and better managers who had to listen to his weekly proclaimations that he was the most professional manager in the world and that his staff were better than any other coaches in the world and that no other manager would have been able to come close to acheiving what he did at City and ask them whether they consider that dignified (if you can get them to stop laughing).

Ask anyone else who was on the receiving end of his constant quest to deflect any sort of blame away from himself and on to someone, anyone,, else whether he was dignified.

Look at every word that ever leaves his mouth and see that it is always based around some sort of snide comment designed to boost his own credibility and run down the credibility of others and then judge whether he was dignified.

Hughes is the least dignified manager I can remember at City. At least Ball was a straight forward buffoon whose bullshit wasn't disguised.

The only way Mark Hughes can be considered honest and dignified is if you like wearing a nice suit and being a boring bastard, being full of cliches and disguised self promotion when he was here and, when sacked, carrying a massive wad of money that makes it in his interests to keep his mouth shut.

If you consider all that to be dignified, whilst not being able to see how much poison he spouts, just because he doesn't rant and rave like Joe Kinnear, the, yeah, he might be dignified.

If you consider dignity to be more than just acting how you think it should be whilst constantly spouting and doing just the opposite, then you'll know that Hughes' time here (and most of his career) has been marked by a complete lack of dignity.

He can feck off.

Thoroughly enjoyed that read, JMA, a beautiful piece.
I think the reason MH's 'dignity' is cited is the way he handled the turmoil at the end of Thaksin's reign.

I found other things he did and said very disappointing, and I never believed he had a workable plan for the money, but once he'd gone, I suddenly remembered how he seemed to keep us together through a very difficult couple of months. Between the 8-1, the crazy signing of Jo against any commonsense, and the attempts to sell good players for peanuts, just to keep Thaksin in pocket change, he was excellent. It a good couple of months after ADUG arrived that our results nosedived, and the dodgy off the record stuff about our players appeared.

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