Sick of minutes silence/applause at football matches

Israel and Gaza is first and foremost a catastrophe in terms of the loss of human life irrespective of deeply held feelings on both sides. There will be a lot of people in Manchester grieving or badly affected, worried about what's going on. I doubt there was any other scenario where 50,000 people are all gathered together. I'm sorry if you think just trying to empathise for just 1 minute is a waste of time.
Why do we need to show our empathy at a football match?
Oh do fuck off. You know fucking nothing. I’ve prayed for the innocent victims in Ukraine and Gaza. I prayed in private and not next to a group think wanker like you. I don’t need Football, Manchester City or you for my moral compass. I did say irrespective of your feelings for each of the causes but wankstains like you can’t help themselves. I’m grown up enough to behave myself in public and have the emotional intelligence to rationalise and process events for myself and decide my own appropriate response. If you need 50,000 people to hold your hand, then you do you.
I assume you're against the Franny tribute too?
Why do we need to show our empathy at a football match?
Wasting your time. If they do it I'm just happy to stand with my headphones on listening to a song for a minute. The problem is that you have to respect their need to be silent for a minute but they don't respect your need to want to chat to your mate for that minute. Bored with the fucking lot of them. They can be as silent as they want, not sure why I need to join in with their silly emotions.
Why do we need to show our empathy at a football match?


Sport has never been politicised but all of a sudden it’s a vessel for anyone and everything to get their message across it seems.

It was a one off for many years a silence at a game but it’s almost a weekly occurrence these days and heaven forbid you don’t agree with it, the social media warriors are out in force for you.

Deaths of club legends and servants I get, anything else? No.

Utd and Everton will rightly commemorate the loss of Sir Bobby and Kenwright but why should every other club and their fans?

It’s faux signalling at its worst.

Sport has never been politicised but all of a sudden it’s a vessel for anyone and everything to get their message across it seems.

It was a one off for many years a silence at a game but it’s almost a weekly occurrence these days and heaven forbid you don’t agree with it, the social media warriors are out in force for you.

Deaths of club legends and servants I get, anything else? No.

Utd and Everton will rightly commemorate the loss of Sir Bobby and Kenwright but why should every other club and their fans?

It’s faux signalling at its worst.
I seem to remember that English football stayed clear of polictal shit.

None of our clubs have any political or religious associations anymore. City were formed by Tory Orangemen and were originally mainly followed by Protestants but that disappeared, maybe as far back as a century ago or more.

Our clubs are just representative of themselves as clubs and the towns/cities they come from. I like that.

I would like if English football as a whole was just concerned with football and the country it’s played in. So have minute’s silences or even just black armbands at individual clubs for ex-players or managers, but nothing for anything outside our own country, nothing political and nothing to do with any social issues.

One of the good things about going to the football is that it’s a release from the shit going on in life, at work or out in the world. So why bring it into football?
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