Singing City Songs to Yourself

Every evening without F ale i sing a rendition of one of the ballo verses, just leave my 8 year old lad to finish it off then, in fact he got in trouble at school last season for singing it with the swear word in it, the little mite.
He also likes singing the blues, he just belts it out every now and again, the best one is when he sits on the computer and all of a sudden-----MY Father said to me 1 day is it blue or red for you.......................... Misses looks at me an just shakes her head:-p
The Flash said:
The good lady hasn't been impressed with my rendition of "It could have been ten....." and shouting you lucky b*stards, when the kids are in the room.

I've got City-tourettes...
Similar experience to this. A rendition of " ......... half the f' ing team did!" got a curt "f'ing grow up" from my good lady at 7.30am this morning.

I'm nearer 50 than 40 now so she probably has a point!
ha it comes from nowhere doesnt it?the balotelli song is tattooed on my brain at the minute, I am forever bursting into song.but hey if we can't sing now when can we!
i very rarely post, but i too have this problem (not), the balo song....... i cant stop......... i keep singing it at the top my voice at work, they havent got a fukin clue out here in ozz............... but i dont give a fuck
so there are lots of other people doing this as well as me. Bathtime is a favourite time for me to belt out some old and new classics but it can be embarrassing spontaneously bursting into song as you are walking down the street........or during a job interview!
it happens to me to - mainly balotelli but can also through in yaya toure's, zaba's, dzeko's and even colin the king even though I never saw him play - I think we should re-has the song to Vinnie the king
Been doing it for years and never really thought about it. Perfectly sane thing to do as far as I'm concerned.

Even better when you have young kids as you suddenly find your two year old singing something City related (obviously without any swear words).
stes thunder thighs................ that "vinnie the king" idea is absoulute quality, it would sound fantastic and would be a real throw back to the days of Bell......................... (and i did see him play as a kid!)

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