I’m finding that increasingly, and totally impromptu, I’m bursting into singing City songs as I’m going about my day to day. It’s just happened to me - off to make a brew and I just blurted out ‘Oh, Balotelli...etc’. I do it a lot in the shower, sitting at my desk at work, walking around Tesco - it can happen anywhere. It’s not just one song either - it can be anything ranging from the original ‘Boys in Blue’ song, through to Balotelli, the Dzeko song etc. I even start singing some of the more obscure, long forgotten songs such as ‘We’ll fight, fight, fight, with all our might for the boys in the sky blue jersey’. Sometimes it’s the whole song, sometimes it’s just the odd line. it used to just happen the morning of a big game, but over the last few years it’s every day.
Does this happen to anyone else?, is it common?, or do I need professional help?