
blue81 said:
Blue Hefner said:
blue81 said:
Sadly this is the case all over the country- have you visited North Manchester for example- its no lobger a shock to me. And while the government continues to reward scratters for having litters of kids and not working it'll grow and grow.

That's thing though, I don't really see benifits as a 'reward' and the goverment can't just stop giving them housing benifits and other credits as it would result in lots of unwanted, ill, homeless or dead children littering the streets.

I've said it on here before and it didn't go down to well but some sort of breeding licence could help. Unless a person can prove they have the means(with perhaps some state help) to support a child then they shouldn't be allowed to have one.

Benifits and credits should be for people who have fell on gard times, not some sort of lifestyle choice

What I did notice about 'Skint' was that the whole estate seems to be full of people under 25, there didn't seem to be any sort of parental figure. No worthwhile role models, just people hanging around all day just drifting through life. All very sad

I absolutely agree mate, but it does not sit well with some folk the idea of limiting or stopping from breeding. (funnily enough a communist country CHINA uses this system to control the population)

I would have a rigorous check before people are allowed to breed to ensure we have a nation of well looked after, loved children. The checks would involve.....

1) Income- a combined income of 30k.

2) Time spent as a couple- MINIMUM of 18 months

3) Drug/alcohol tests- don't want lazy cannabis wasters briniging up kids- sorry.

4) Employment history- Are the perspective parents in regular employment.

There are plenty of bad parents out there who earn more than 30k, have been together a long time, are drug free and have been in regular employment. There's more to being a good parent than having money.
blue81 said:
I absolutely agree mate, but it does not sit well with some folk the idea of limiting or stopping from breeding. (funnily enough a communist country CHINA uses this system to control the population)

I would have a rigorous check before people are allowed to breed to ensure we have a nation of well looked after, loved children. The checks would involve.....

1) Income- a combined income of 30k.

2) Time spent as a couple- MINIMUM of 18 months

3) Drug/alcohol tests- don't want lazy cannabis wasters briniging up kids- sorry.

4) Employment history- Are the perspective parents in regular employment.

Before we had kids we outperformed your parenting tests. 3 years in and we were both out of work and on benefits.

What should I have done? Sell the kids? Leave them in a park?
blue81 said:
Blue Hefner said:
blue81 said:
Sadly this is the case all over the country- have you visited North Manchester for example- its no lobger a shock to me. And while the government continues to reward scratters for having litters of kids and not working it'll grow and grow.

That's thing though, I don't really see benifits as a 'reward' and the goverment can't just stop giving them housing benifits and other credits as it would result in lots of unwanted, ill, homeless or dead children littering the streets.

I've said it on here before and it didn't go down to well but some sort of breeding licence could help. Unless a person can prove they have the means(with perhaps some state help) to support a child then they shouldn't be allowed to have one.

Benifits and credits should be for people who have fell on gard times, not some sort of lifestyle choice

What I did notice about 'Skint' was that the whole estate seems to be full of people under 25, there didn't seem to be any sort of parental figure. No worthwhile role models, just people hanging around all day just drifting through life. All very sad

I absolutely agree mate, but it does not sit well with some folk the idea of limiting or stopping from breeding. (funnily enough a communist country CHINA uses this system to control the population)

I would have a rigorous check before people are allowed to breed to ensure we have a nation of well looked after, loved children. The checks would involve.....

1) Income- a combined income of 30k.

2) Time spent as a couple- MINIMUM of 18 months

3) Drug/alcohol tests- don't want lazy cannabis wasters briniging up kids- sorry.

4) Employment history- Are the perspective parents in regular employment.

That sounds about right to me. I'm in the process of buying a house and the mortage company are doing allsorts of checks to make sure we are suitable. Yet if we wanted to we could start popping out kids left, right and centre with no-one to answer to. That cannot be right
My paterns had 2 children because that's all they could afford, tolerate or have time for as well as still being able to do things they wanted to do. That's what responsoble people do. Now if people cannot/won't be responisble then the state should step in and remove their ability to be irresponsible.

It might be harsh but sooner or later that would breed a culture of responsibilty
Sorry rare as it is to agree with certain opinions I too believe there should be a cap on children. If you cannot afford to have 5 children you should not be allowed to have 5 children to have that number at 21 by different men with no formal education is criminal. These peoples are leeches on society who contribute nothing call me un-compassionate but it is the truth.

Their children are now the burden of society too and the cycle will continue. China has the right idea though for different reasons.
LittleStan said:
blue81 said:
I absolutely agree mate, but it does not sit well with some folk the idea of limiting or stopping from breeding. (funnily enough a communist country CHINA uses this system to control the population)

I would have a rigorous check before people are allowed to breed to ensure we have a nation of well looked after, loved children. The checks would involve.....

1) Income- a combined income of 30k.

2) Time spent as a couple- MINIMUM of 18 months

3) Drug/alcohol tests- don't want lazy cannabis wasters briniging up kids- sorry.

4) Employment history- Are the perspective parents in regular employment.

Before we had kids we outperformed your parenting tests. 3 years in and we were both out of work and on benefits.

What should I have done? Sell the kids? Leave them in a park?

No, as you'd have proved willing and that you are a decent person initially to be given a licence to breed. I fully understand people can fall on hard times and THAT'S exactly why we have benefits - for people who need them. However if you came to me as a 24 year old who's never worked, takes drugs and gets pissed all day, has a criminal past I'd tell you to get a dog, but I bet you already have one......and a big telly.
The problem with a program like this is and others (I dont watch them) people start to think all jobless people are lazy cnuts who cant be arsed to work. If they have a program called "skint" they should follow people who are geuinely skint and living off beans on toast
I work about 200 hours a month for £1300 if I am lucky and these fucking bums get £1600 and rent paid for. How can a working class person get much lower than some bum who has kids and can’t provide for them? We have to pay rent and all the bills yet benefit bums get it for free. Stop having kids and get a job
Blue Hefner said:
blue81 said:
Blue Hefner said:
What has the country come to where that sort of place exists? Its a place of total despair and almost void of hope.

I don't know what the answer is but a women of 21 with 5 kids is wrong, seen as though she has no way of supporting them. They all seem to want children to fill an empty part of their life i.e love

You can't stop the benefits as the children will suffer so I don't know what the answer is. I moan about going to work but give me work than that life any day!

Sadly this is the case all over the country- have you visited North Manchester for example- its no lobger a shock to me. And while the government continues to reward scratters for having litters of kids and not working it'll grow and grow.

That's thing though, I don't really see benifits as a 'reward' and the goverment can't just stop giving them housing benifits and other credits as it would result in lots of unwanted, ill, homeless or dead children littering the streets.

I've said it on here before and it didn't go down to well but some sort of breeding licence could help. Unless a person can prove they have the means(with perhaps some state help) to support a child then they shouldn't be allowed to have one.

Benifits and credits should be for people who have fell on gard times, not some sort of lifestyle choice

What I did notice about 'Skint' was that the whole estate seems to be full of people under 25, there didn't seem to be any sort of parental figure. No worthwhile role models, just people hanging around all day just drifting through life. All very sad

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