
LittleStan said:
Have a look at number 3 on Blue81's fascist list.

Some people have very complex and chaotic lives and there is no simple answer so it's easy just to label them without looking for root causes.

From the fascist lit:

"3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause - The people are rallied into a unifying patriotic frenzy over the need to eliminate a perceived common threat or foe: racial , ethnic or religious minorities; liberals; communists; socialists, terrorists, etc."

Can you explain how this relates to thread please?

People in these dysfunctional communities do indeed have complex lives. The root causes are blindingly obvious. People do fuck all, breed and get rewarded with cash for flat-screen tellys, bookies, Lambert and Butler, and booze. The kids see this as an easy lifestyle and the next generation of feckless scroungers is produced. As long as we keep giving them handouts, this problem will always exist.

Unfortunately, this is still decent society's problem. Addressing the root causes is not simple. It would be great to say 'as from tomorrow, anybody having kids without the means to support them will get no further benefits. Sadly it would be the kids that suffer though. We can make a start - compulsory back to work schemes (community work - not slave labour for supermarkets) and benefits paid to charge cards that can only be used to buy food, clothes etc). Sadly, the bleeding hearts and human rights lawyers would be up in arms.
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
cyberblue said:
One Way is not to "reward" pregnant girls with housing benifits. Dont give "child benifit" in the first place or if we did limit it to either i or 2 children .most people think long & hard about having children & one of the things is can we aford to bring them up .?if people who were out of work & got no home of there own thought that they would not automaticaly get a flat & benifits they might think twice about there future .Most right minded people would not expect the State to fund there lifestyle

You'd only be punishing the child.
No my point is the girl might think twice about getting pregnant if she thought she would have to go out to work to bring the child up ,if she had no other meens of supporting the child other than relying on mugs like me & you to fund her lifestyle .
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Congratulations to all involved on securing the 'Nazi-Thread of the Day' Award.
Why is it being a Nazi to expect people to behave half normal & decent ? why should people think it ok never to work but have as many children as they want funded by you & me ?.never have to pay presciption charges ? Get ther houses paid for ? & fu*k knows what other benifits .I am all for helping one & all & giving as much help .support ,benifits ,cash ,house ect if they fall on hard times & need help but not to fund the lifestyle of a generation of people who have no fu*king intrest of even atemting to look for a job
cyberblue said:
Never Mind The Pollocks said:
Congratulations to all involved on securing the 'Nazi-Thread of the Day' Award.
Why is it being a Nazi to expect people to behave half normal & decent ? why should people think it ok never to work but have as many children as they want funded by you & me ?.never have to pay presciption charges ? Get ther houses paid for ? & fu*k knows what other benifits .I am all for helping one & all & giving as much help .support ,benifits ,cash ,house ect if they fall on hard times & need help but not to fund the lifestyle of a generation of people who have no fu*king intrest of even atemting to look for a job
It probably struck a nerve or something.
mancitymick said:
I love going to work each day, paying taxes knowing i am helping others out

Me too- I'll happily pay taxes for those who NEED the benefit system due to ill health or genuinely are out of work but desperately looking. That lot on 'skint' last night are a drain on us all though and will never contribute because they simply don't want to!!
These ugly fookers are out breading us good looking folks,this nation soon will be an island of ugly fat bastards...
The bit what made my blood boil was the woman who went to the christian aid place and got shit loads of shopping for fk all.
Then paid for a wedding for her and her lazy arse fella who just stayed at home playing COD all day on his big flat screen tele.

The system is a joke and you PC brigade lot can DO 1
BWTAC said:
blue81 said:
Blue Hefner said:
That's thing though, I don't really see benifits as a 'reward' and the goverment can't just stop giving them housing benifits and other credits as it would result in lots of unwanted, ill, homeless or dead children littering the streets.

I've said it on here before and it didn't go down to well but some sort of breeding licence could help. Unless a person can prove they have the means(with perhaps some state help) to support a child then they shouldn't be allowed to have one.

Benifits and credits should be for people who have fell on gard times, not some sort of lifestyle choice

What I did notice about 'Skint' was that the whole estate seems to be full of people under 25, there didn't seem to be any sort of parental figure. No worthwhile role models, just people hanging around all day just drifting through life. All very sad

I absolutely agree mate, but it does not sit well with some folk the idea of limiting or stopping from breeding. (funnily enough a communist country CHINA uses this system to control the population)

I would have a rigorous check before people are allowed to breed to ensure we have a nation of well looked after, loved children. The checks would involve.....

1) Income- a combined income of 30k.

2) Time spent as a couple- MINIMUM of 18 months

3) Drug/alcohol tests- don't want lazy cannabis wasters briniging up kids- sorry.

4) Employment history- Are the perspective parents in regular employment.

There are plenty of bad parents out there who earn more than 30k, have been together a long time, are drug free and have been in regular employment. There's more to being a good parent than having money.

Kate and Gerry said hello.............

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