MattiH said:
whp.blue said:
I have said it before the smokers on this site are a bunch of hypocrits they all defend their right to smoke in the ground which is illegal and they are the same ones who come on here slating munich songs must be stopped snd the the fans who chant munich songs should be banned.

well smoking has directly lead to the death of fans at bradford and to my knowledge no fan has ever died as a result of a munich chant,

so surely all the fans who advocate the irradication of munich chants should also wish to ban smoking with at least the same amount of venom

I for one have made fans put fags out in the toilets before now by simply telling them to put it out or get knocked out it is a dangerous discusting habit and any fan found breaking the law should be banned for life.

by the way I am sure that the club are obliged to ensure all Health and safety laws are abided by as a condition of their public safety license and failure could result in the ground being closed it is just as bad if not worse than persitant standing in the eyes of the law.

I am afraid you cannot pick and choose which laws you abide by and the club may one day suffer because of these tossers who smoke within the ground

'put it out or get knocked out'

So assaulting sumone is not breaking the LAW as you so elegantly put it but having a sneaky cig is???

assault is against the law however it made also be defended as reasonable force in stopping some else from breaking the law and potentially endangering the lifes of thousands of fans
so it is not just a sneaky fag is it ? that is the whole point
whp.blue said:
assault is against the law however it made also be defended as reasonable force in stopping some else from breaking the law and potentially endangering the lifes of thousands of fans

I agree that people shouldn't smoke in the ground, but that's a bit melodramatic ain't it ? They are having a cig not dousing the place in petrol.....
BurnCK said:
whp.blue said:
assault is against the law however it made also be defended as reasonable force in stopping some else from breaking the law and potentially endangering the lifes of thousands of fans

I agree that people shouldn't smoke in the ground, but that's a bit melodramatic ain't it ? They are having a cig not dousing the place in petrol.....

tell that to the victims families in bradford
whp.blue said:
BurnCK said:
I agree that people shouldn't smoke in the ground, but that's a bit melodramatic ain't it ? They are having a cig not dousing the place in petrol.....

tell that to the victims families in bradford

It tickles me when someone gets all stupidly melodramatic to make a point, therefore making themselves look a bit silly.

Usually they use kids as the excuse.
whp.blue said:
BurnCK said:
I agree that people shouldn't smoke in the ground, but that's a bit melodramatic ain't it ? They are having a cig not dousing the place in petrol.....

tell that to the victims families in bradford

What happened in Bradford was a disaster...but to use that in this argument is a pathetic choice! Fuck me, if David Buust never took up football, he wouldnt be in a wheelchair today....the list of these things is endless. People do and will continue to smoke in the ground, stop whinging like a girl and get over it. Thanks
libertinejack said:
whp.blue said:
tell that to the victims families in bradford

What happened in Bradford was a disaster...but to use that in this argument is a pathetic choice! Fuck me, if David Buust never took up football, he wouldnt be in a wheelchair today....the list of these things is endless. People do and will continue to smoke in the ground, stop whinging like a girl and get over it. Thanks

bradford was a disaster caused be smoking within a football ground !

so we use your argument to defend football violence or munich chants people do it so accept it as ok

I would like to see this argument used to defend a smoker in a court case
whp.blue said:
libertinejack said:
What happened in Bradford was a disaster...but to use that in this argument is a pathetic choice! Fuck me, if David Buust never took up football, he wouldnt be in a wheelchair today....the list of these things is endless. People do and will continue to smoke in the ground, stop whinging like a girl and get over it. Thanks

bradford was a disaster caused be smoking within a football ground !

so we use your argument to defend football violence or munich chants people do it so accept it as ok

I would like to see this argument used to defend a smoker in a court case

By that logic you could argue that people standing up could cause another Hillsborough....but that would be just stupid, a bit like your statement.
tell that to the victims families in bradford

Coms is made primarily of concrete and steel, smoking is banned due to the smoking ban not because it is a fire hazard, unlike Everton who still have wooden stand(s) and smoking was banned in the stand pre the smoking ban, which I presume was due to the tradegy at Bradford.
masterwig said:
It's utter bollocks blaming the decline in pubs on the smoking ban.

People have more choices these days and as part of a general trend of civil disengagement people congregate in social environments less often. The cheap booze from supermarkets and the hundreds of TV channels means people stay in far more often than they used to. Why pay £2.20 for a pint when a bottle of wine can be bought for £3 or a few cans for the price of one pint? At times like these when money is tight for many people the pub becomes a luxury they can't afford two or three times a week. Pubs have been crippled by chain groups like Enterprise. The real world isn't like Corrie where everyone goes to the pub every night and has their dinner there every day.

The ban has contributed a little but not to the extent that smokers would have you believe.

The question I was answering was "how many pubs have gone since the smoking ban"! I agree that it isn't the only contributing factor to the decline in licensed premises, but it certainly hasn't helped. Of the 3 things you mentioned which have affected sales in pubs & clubs, I would suggest that its probably second on the list behind the sale of cheap booze in supermarkets, which was brought about by another questionable piece of legislation & is having all sorts of knock on effects for society! But that's a different argument altogether!

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