I am a smoker myself but if we shud ban smokers why dont we ban....
People kissing in public - promotes under age sex
Swearing in public - using this language is no good infront of kids
Drinking in the ground - causes folk to become alcoholic, aggressive
or u non-smokers think this is acceptable???, i can see ur side of this arguement but instead of callin us smokers selfish listen 2 urself
since the smoking ban how many pubs have gone? i smoke but can wait a couple of hours. most pubs have done something for smokers ie covered areas y not football stadiums?
bluewigmcfc said:
since the smoking ban how many pubs have gone? i smoke but can wait a couple of hours. most pubs have done something for smokers ie covered areas y not football stadiums?

Hundreds & hundreds & hundreds!

I work in an industry closely related to the licensed trade & I can tell you that its crippling pubs & clubs up & down the country!
Bottom line is this....until it is completely stamped out (which woill probably take a while if at all), people will smoke in the toilets. It really isn't the end of the world. GET OVER IT
Ill be honest i find smoking in the toilets alright, but it was only on saturday 2 dick heads (not season ticket holders) started smoking right next to me all because im a 14 year old lad if it was someone else sat next to them they wouldnt have. luckily the people around me got the stewards and it was sorted but i believe that proves we need a smoking area so we do have occurances like this.
de niro said:
rickmcfc said:
This season there seems to be so many more people smoking in the stadium toilets. It is fucking horrible when all i want to do is to go for a piss. As times its that bad you can barely breathe in there. Does anyone else feel the same way about this? I thought it was ILLEGAL to smoke in the stadium so why isnt it being enforced? Oh and a notice to all those that do smoke in there, cut it out as it is vile and i dont want to be breathing in your cancer ridden smoke, and dont come out with the bollocks that "you need one" you will have to wait until your are out of the stadium, not difficult!!!

i was talking to someone at the club a couple of weeks ago, they are about to clamp down on this, there is to be an increase in undercover fans supposedly using the loo, they are stewards and as soon as the smoker leaves the loo they will be taken to one side and sanctions will follow.

as a poster has said, why not use the spiral ffs, but away from other people.it seems like a police state at times but thats only because the smokers can't police themselves.
i for one love it when a smoker gets banned, love it.

i for one love it when a smoker gets banned, love it

Thats a terrible statement to make. And people tell me you're a nice bloke :-)
I have said it before the smokers on this site are a bunch of hypocrits they all defend their right to smoke in the ground which is illegal and they are the same ones who come on here slating munich songs must be stopped snd the the fans who chant munich songs should be banned.

well smoking has directly lead to the death of fans at bradford and to my knowledge no fan has ever died as a result of a munich chant,

so surely all the fans who advocate the irradication of munich chants should also wish to ban smoking with at least the same amount of venom

I for one have made fans put fags out in the toilets before now by simply telling them to put it out or get knocked out it is a dangerous discusting habit and any fan found breaking the law should be banned for life.

by the way I am sure that the club are obliged to ensure all Health and safety laws are abided by as a condition of their public safety license and failure could result in the ground being closed it is just as bad if not worse than persitant standing in the eyes of the law.

I am afraid you cannot pick and choose which laws you abide by and the club may one day suffer because of these tossers who smoke within the ground
whp.blue said:
I have said it before the smokers on this site are a bunch of hypocrits they all defend their right to smoke in the ground which is illegal and they are the same ones who come on here slating munich songs must be stopped snd the the fans who chant munich songs should be banned.

well smoking has directly lead to the death of fans at bradford and to my knowledge no fan has ever died as a result of a munich chant,

so surely all the fans who advocate the irradication of munich chants should also wish to ban smoking with at least the same amount of venom

I for one have made fans put fags out in the toilets before now by simply telling them to put it out or get knocked out it is a dangerous discusting habit and any fan found breaking the law should be banned for life.

by the way I am sure that the club are obliged to ensure all Health and safety laws are abided by as a condition of their public safety license and failure could result in the ground being closed it is just as bad if not worse than persitant standing in the eyes of the law.

I am afraid you cannot pick and choose which laws you abide by and the club may one day suffer because of these tossers who smoke within the ground

'put it out or get knocked out'

So assaulting sumone is not breaking the LAW as you so elegantly put it but having a sneaky cig is???
It's utter bollocks blaming the decline in pubs on the smoking ban.

People have more choices these days and as part of a general trend of civil disengagement people congregate in social environments less often. The cheap booze from supermarkets and the hundreds of TV channels means people stay in far more often than they used to. Why pay £2.20 for a pint when a bottle of wine can be bought for £3 or a few cans for the price of one pint? At times like these when money is tight for many people the pub becomes a luxury they can't afford two or three times a week. Pubs have been crippled by chain groups like Enterprise. The real world isn't like Corrie where everyone goes to the pub every night and has their dinner there every day.

The ban has contributed a little but not to the extent that smokers would have you believe.

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