Sneaky barstewards - Cypriot banking crisis

Was talking to a Cypriot lady last night and found out some illuminating information about the run on the banks. I was asking why did the banks get into so much trouble and this is what i heard.

Thought I'd share it because I'm not sure if this is conspiracy theory or true.

Just prior to Greece going bump, Germany approached the key bank in Cyprus called Laiki to sell their Greek bond issues to them. We're talking billions here! The Laiki bank bought the Greek bonds from Germany and used their reserves thinking it was a good deal and in good faith having no idea that Greece were about to go belly up.

Within a few months Greece were in public trouble and the bonds were worth no more than half their value and they have kept dropping ever since. Allegedly, the Laiki execs who did this deal were rewarded a very healthy bonus from Germany (in a swiss bank).

Was told if Laiki had not bought the Greek bonds they could have rode out the downturn.

Wow what a story !
And I'm afraid that's the kind of story that will be peddled around the island until it becomes an accepted truth. The misguded sense of pan hellenism saw the Cypriot banks and government buy into Greece.

Sure the Masons will soon be the next totem. German ones first.
Roman Abramovich and Arsenal's Usmanov are very exposed to the Cyprus bank crisis it seems with their companies offshoring a lot of their fortunes on the island.
unexpected item said:
Roman Abramovich and Arsenal's Usmanov are very exposed to the Cyprus bank crisis it seems with their companies offshoring a lot of their fortunes on the island.

What a dreadful shame.
Cypriot parliament has just come to an agreement with EU
All bank accounts in the Bank of Cyprus with more than 100,000 Euros will pay a tax of 20%
All other accounts of more than 100,000 Euros in every other bank in Cyprus will pay a tax of 4%
I had a lucky escape
blue underpants said:
Cypriot parliament has just come to an agreement with EU
All bank accounts in the Bank of Cyprus with more than 100,000 Euros will pay a tax of 20%
All other accounts of more than 100,000 Euros in every other bank in Cyprus will pay a tax of 4%
I had a lucky escape

Parliament hasn't voted on it yet.
And when they do vote I suggest that the very good chance of being strung up from the nearest lamppost by the people for voting in ANY theft of their money should be borne in mind,
Not forgetting the Russian maffia type chaps that will be a little miffed and not inclined to forgive or forget rather than start popping caps in certain peoples arses.

Politicians are famous for covering their own arses, they can not be stupid enough to think that pleading the "Big picture" will save them from the mob, it will be a no vote or anarchy on the streets.
The Cypriot president has threatened to resign if the Troika does not bail them out.
You can only now draw 100 euros per day out
unexpected item said:
Roman Abramovich and Arsenal's Usmanov are very exposed to the Cyprus bank crisis it seems with their companies offshoring a lot of their fortunes on the island.


Something tells me if Russians lose out, Cypriot mp's will suddenly be having mysterious heart attacks or start glowing in the dark!

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