Sneijder (Merged)

Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?

100% yes

Sneijder is a world class player, a winner, who for a bonus factor also has a huge global profile - just look at who got the biggest cheer in the Italian Super Cup in China on his first touch. He was the big name there ahead of Eto'o and all the others on the pitch.

Players like Kun and Sneijder help grow the club's profile and as a brand - I know some people don't like this kind of thinking being part of a modern football fan's outlook but the fact is we can't change what the game is and we have yards to catch up on the 'red three' in global profile respect, a lot of yards.
Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?

No, don't think we would entertain it. Tevez could prove to be useful to us in the first half of this season with the 3 competitions we will be in (Fa cup doesnt start tillo Jan).

If or when we get Nasri we will have quite a bit of competition for places and I believe we have the players who will commit to try and make Mancini's selections difficult.

Ths can only be a good thing!
Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?

I'd rather keep Tevez but it does depend on his state of mind. Wes would be a useful addition to City's squad but I think we need Nasri more.
Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?

adrianr said:
TonyM said:
Since watching Nasri play for France Duddernite I'm hoping Tevez stays. Why? Cos Nasri doesn't get stuck in. He just stands about waiting for the ball to come to him.

And that's why everyone pining for him to come here will dislike him come the end of the season, just like L'Arse fans (And yes, they knew his limitations way before he wanted out)


Watching Arsenal without Nasri and Fabregas yesterday was like watching (whisper it) a mid table side.

By the end of the first season everyone will love Nasri and those who made posts like the one above will be denying they ever made them. He is made for us.
Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?

No...he could still prove to be very useful...A Tevez-Aguero-Dzeko lineup would be deadly imo

Anyway, id rather we go for Mata rather than pay over the odds for Sneijder and hope he comes good...
Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?


Tevez wants to leave and will be a disruption. A settled and unified squad will give us more benefit than Tevez alone.
Re: Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?

YES, there are not that many clubs around that can afford Tevez so this would be a way to get him out of the club, I worry that if he hangs around for to long it will have an effect on other players moral mainly Aguero.

It would also piss the Rags off big time.
Tevez 4 Sneijder: Yes or No?

A Carlos that wants to stay: no

A Carlos that wants away: yes

So yes unfortunately

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