So is it all over?

arsenalrob said:
Ferguson is worth 10 points a season

As an Arsenal fan i only know to well about that

Superb manager. Good fight though and really wanted you guys to win.

I still don't think Mancini is good enough imo. Mourinho would have won the league with your squad and maybe even Wenger.

Very true, all of it. Con grats to United, they deserve to win it, simple as that.
If we beat Arsenal which we can do everyone will fell a little more confident and it will give the players a huge lift. Beat Arsenal beat the Rags hope they slip up with a draw
level on points it's not over till the fat lady sings and we can't give up. No pressure on us now lets just grind out 7 wins and see what happens :)
Lets just wait until after Arsenal until we completely give up hope.

I dont think we will win there the way we are playing but you just never know.

If we do win there and are 5 points behind we are in the same position. We need United to drop 2 points which surely they will do at some point.

Blackburn gave it a go but I was never confident they would hold out. Unfortunately they have a will to win that no other side has. Chelsea had it under Mourinho but no other side has it.

And to say their squad is weak is ridiculous. They brought on Giggs, Young and Wellbeck who are all good players. Blackburn had no one on their bench to change the game.

Our own niavety has cost us this season. Throwing a point away at Sunderland and 2 at Fulham as well as that fucking joke of a performance on Saturday has cost us 5 points, the same 5 points that we are now behind!
Marvin said:
What about Sunderland away?

That wasn't the decider. United lost to Blackburn at home too lol

I personally think United won it when you lost against Swansea. Those are games you can't afford to lose.<br /><br />-- Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:16 pm --<br /><br />
Marvin said:
What about Sunderland away?

That wasn't the decider. United lost to Blackburn at home too lol

I personally think United won it when you lost against Swansea. Those are games you can't afford to lose.
arsenalrob said:
Ferguson is worth 10 points a season

As an Arsenal fan i only know to well about that

Superb manager. Good fight though and really wanted you guys to win.

I still don't think Mancini is good enough imo. Mourinho would have won the league with your squad and maybe even Wenger.

i hope abu dhabi feel the same,i really do

i actually like him as a person but as a manger hes not good enough imo
citytill1die84 said:
If we beat Arsenal which we can do everyone will fell a little more confident and it will give the players a huge lift. Beat Arsenal beat the Rags level on points it's not over till the fat lady sings and we can't give up. No pressure on us now lets just grind out 7 wins and see what happens :)

Incorrect. We have to see them drop 2 points and win all our games.
Congrats to UTD. On form, teamwork & ethics they deserve to win the league.

If Mancini stays he needs to find a Plan B. Teams have sussed us and he can't do nothing about it.

The RAGS will only gloat until the start of the next season. onwards and upwards. 2nd is better than 3rd.

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