So who's going to poznan then ?

Romanby said:
I'll be there but I have a question if anyone can help , my flight from Edinburgh lands in Berlin at 3.45pm on Wednesday and my train from Ostbahnof is at 4.40pm , does anyone know if it's possible to get from Berlin Schoenfeld airport to Ostbahnof in 55 minutes ?

It's a bit concerning you've left that to chance lol but then again a lot of life's best moments are the unscripted ones.

Hope this helps mate, no doubt designed for 2006 but should still be valid, unless Ostbahnof's moved since then;

<a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... e_10.shtml</a>
looking forward to it had a great time threr when we played the dyslexic dogsbollocks 8 years ago a beautiful city and the locals were great.
lechfan whats the weather like ?
citizen said:
Citycitytid said:
I can't wait for this trip... Mad journey getting there, but hopefully well worth it.

The flights have gone really cheap again with Wiz-air if anyones arsed...

Anyone staying at the Ibis?

Theres loads of us in the ibis mate, should be a right laugh

2 staying Wed & Thurs night
LechFan said:
AliBobbyJ said:
I'm going to be in Berlin that week. Will get a train to Poznan if I can get free, but it would be an 11th-hour thing. What are the chances of turning up at the stadium that evening and paying at the gate or getting a ticket outside at the last minute? Don't mind being in the Polish section, if that's not too daft an idea.
I wouldn't count on it Pal, if I were you. Before Salzburg, all 42,000 tickets in Poznan was sold out in no time, weeks before the game.

As to the cheap flights, why fly to Berlin, if you can fly directly to Poznan? Like here

Anyway, lookin' forward to see as many of you guys as possible in Poznan. It will certainly be a night to remember, if you liked what you saw last night. By the way, you may be quite surprised to see how it is when ALL the stadium sings ALL the time. And I mean ALL the time. After the game with Salzburg the media reported, that some of the buildings couple of hundreds meters from the stadium were actually trembling during the game. :)
And don't you worry, you will be safe as puppies, provided you will stick to supporting your own team only, not lookin' for trouble.


Hi Lech Fan,

We're going via Berlin as we are meeting some German city fans there and having a coupe of nights with them. Really looking forward to the atmosphere in the stadium and heard the Market Square is a great night out....anywhere else you recommend?
As to the Poznan recommendations, all area of the Old Town is pretty cool, you just hang around and look for the places you like. Loads of pubs and restaurants and so on.

And the weather is moderate, I'd say, so far. Today was about ten Celsius degrees, but windy, cloudy and little rainy (not something you're not familiar with, huh?) ;)

See you in two weeks.
SS111 said:
tazmancblue said:
I'm going, you fancy coming along with us via Berlin?? LOL

Please can I?? Oh no I already am!!!! Gonna be one of the best euro aways ever I reckon..

Nice one! We'll have to meet up in Berlin. I went to Dusseldorf and Dortmund pre-season and met some top lads!!! LOL
tazmancblue said:
SS111 said:
Please can I?? Oh no I already am!!!! Gonna be one of the best euro aways ever I reckon..

Nice one! We'll have to meet up in Berlin. I went to Dusseldorf and Dortmund pre-season and met some top lads!!! LOL

Heard there was decent rendition of Sally Cinnamon too, surely to be heard in Berlin ;)

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