Some Of Our Fans

Johnsonontheleft said:
Agree with the OP. We have some absolute scumbags supporting us, the kind of Neanderthal thugs who wouldn't even be welcome on the Jeremy Kyle Show.

Yes we do - the kind of scumbags who spend 99% of their time on this forum spouting racist bollocks.
The kind of scumbags who have started over 30 racially motivated threads in two years.
Any of that ring any bells with you?
All clubs have daft fans, and we will get more of them as our success is exponential.
This is hardly groundbreaking news, and I'm not entirely sure that the day after winning a trophy we should be donning hair shirts and flagellating ourselves just because someone had an al fresco piss.
willy eckerslike said:
Didsbury Dave said:
willy eckerslike said:
Very true, we've come a long way, however no-one deserves to have their day ruined by morons, especially with the costs involved - but the FA and Wembley also have to share the blame for supplying alcohol in the way they do. I bet they're just counting up the profits this morning rather than discussing their part. Perhaps they should close the bars before the game allowing fans to only drink during and AFTER the game to celebrate/console themselves. This way, they can try to catch those too inebriated before they enter the stadium.

I can't believe you posted that

Why? It's only a suggestion - but in my eyes you can drink what you want before the game away from the stadium (even at outside bars like at home) and if you're too drunk to enter the stadium that's your fault. You then have the option to drink during the game and half-time and celebrate after.

Don't get me wrong, I've drunk my share down the years and been a tit with it, but I don't remember being a nuisance to others. If someone told me to shut up, I probably did. But that's me.
hang on- are suggesting pubs outside the ground like the Green Man and JJ Moons should not serve alcohol before the game? If you are thats fucking daft.

Also don't understand when you say people have the option to drink during the game, erm not if you plan to watch whats going on on the pitch. I think there is a tendency to blow these sorts of thing out of proportion, we are talking 30k+ city fans, and probably a dozen (?) people that caused a bit of trouble. The vast majority (probably 99.99%) of people were absolutely fine. Shit happens
Saw loads of aggression between blues but beer and football has caused this for ever, eg, shouted at nasri to put his laces through it first half, guy in front of me jumped up and asked WTf I had called him, soon apologised though.
Marvin said:
This topic fails to reflect that there was a crowd of 85 thousand who did their clubs proud. Get it into perspective.

My observations on the day were that Sunderland fans had taken over Wembley Way when we got there. I thought at the time that there was double the amount of Sunderland than City, but when I got in the ground it was obvious why. City fans turned up in the last 15 minutes before Kick Off

I couldn't hear SAFC during the game. The build-up was destroyed by that ridiculously loud P.A system. Got used to that, but don't like it.

I was amongst the first City fans back on Wembley Way after the game because of the location of my exit, and was surrounded by Sunderland. Got to give them a lot of credit for the way they took the defeat.

A lot of them misinterpreted the lack of joy from the City fans present as not being able to enjoy the win. I was just trying to be respectful and not try and rub the win in their faces, that and not wanting to start a riot, but it gets misinterpreted. Had comments about this on Wembley Way, and on the Tube.

Always liked the Mackems. Everything I saw yesterday just confirmed what a great set of fans they are. Really hope they stay up.

Pretty much well said
Ammy said:
gordondaviesmoustache said:
In the interests of balance I'd be grateful if any of our female posters could let us know if there was any sink-pissing going on in the ladies.

Very little sink-pissing. Lots of clothes swopping and a couple of pillow fights but generally correct usage of the toilet facilities...
Whilst I'm always supportive of pillow fighting and clothes swapping, like a sausage and egg butty without HP sauce, they never quite hit the spot the in the absence of widespread sink-pissing, I'm afraid.
Re: Our Fans

Hung said:
CTID1988 said:
We slag off the rags for having scummy fans but ive never seen anything on par with the fucking dregs of society we have following us today. Coke being sniffed in full view of kids, wankers kicking off with other blues over fuck all, i even saw some little kid have his drink poured all over him by some fat wanker in "celebration". This was even before i had my face twatted in because some prick couldn't find his seat and thought i was sat in his
Im not soft either, i know what comes with football but today was a different level

Saw some of this myself. Our support is changing.

In my considerable experience surely this is an example of an element of our old core fans? Sure some of them might have been in the woodwork for a few years, but our changing support is all those camera-clicking tourists and Chinese web followers now so apparent?
ell said:
How tedious and boring not just every Wembley trip but every other away game it seems we get these threads.

If people pissing in sinks, doing coke and calling people out for using the "M" word is our worst then we have some of the best behaved fans in the country.

Wtf's the 'm' word?
IWasHere said:
ell said:
How tedious and boring not just every Wembley trip but every other away game it seems we get these threads.

If people pissing in sinks, doing coke and calling people out for using the "M" word is our worst then we have some of the best behaved fans in the country.

Wtf's the 'm' word?


Yesterday was all a bit strange, great goals,great win but some blues wanting to fight everyone!
Even on the coach home had one bloke tryin to give it the biggun really made the trip back shit.
It could of got really nasty as i vaguely no one of the lads he wanted to fight's brother, the guys an armed robber i was just hopin and prayin that the lad didnt get on the blower, Had visions of the coach being held up!!! And the lad dragged off!
Back to the game though still cant get over how good our goals were, absolutely topdraw.
nijinsky's fetlocks said:
Johnsonontheleft said:
Agree with the OP. We have some absolute scumbags supporting us, the kind of Neanderthal thugs who wouldn't even be welcome on the Jeremy Kyle Show.

Yes we do - the kind of scumbags who spend 99% of their time on this forum spouting racist bollocks.
The kind of scumbags who have started over 30 racially motivated threads in two years.
Any of that ring any bells with you?
All clubs have daft fans, and we will get more of them as our success is exponential.
This is hardly groundbreaking news, and I'm not entirely sure that the day after winning a trophy we should be donning hair shirts and flagellating ourselves just because someone had an al fresco piss.
Ha ha NF, you told him the klansman!

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