Some Of Our Fans

we have so much scum following us. i actually thought stoke fans were the most degenerate out of all premier league fans but we have some of the strangest fans I've ever seen. Its embarrassing. These people are backwards and they don't even know it !
jaiden said:
we have so much scum following us. i actually thought stoke fans were the most degenerate out of all premier league fans but we have some of the strangest fans I've ever seen. Its embarrassing. These people are backwards and they don't even know it !

No we don't.

We took 35,000 or so to Wembley yesterday. Upwards of 34,500 had an absolute blast. We have a number of tossers for one reason or another who follow our club, but frankly 35,000 is like the population of a fair sized town, and in every fair sized town you have a few tossers of similar ilk.

The same is true of Sunderland. And Chelsea, Wigan and Stoke, for that matter. The rags, I grant you, appear to have a much larger proportion of scum that follow them - witness the last 2 wembley trips. But let's not forget that the knuckle draggers in our own support are a tiny minority of a crowd that with only a very few exceptions was excellent yesterday.
jaiden said:
we have so much scum following us. i actually thought stoke fans were the most degenerate out of all premier league fans but we have some of the strangest fans I've ever seen. Its embarrassing. These people are backwards and they don't even know it !

You mean maybe about 50 out of the 32,000 blues there the vast majority of City fans are decent law abiding people like I said I did not see any trouble whatsoever
I saw a group of Sunderland scallies chanting "you're the shit of Manchester" & "you're just a shit Man Utd" outside Wembley.
Despite their inability to read the league table or read a map, I didn't condemn Sunderland's entire support because of these morons.

When you take 35,000 to a game away, when most are on the booze, you'll always get a few idiots fighting.
jaiden said:
we have so much scum following us. i actually thought stoke fans were the most degenerate out of all premier league fans but we have some of the strangest fans I've ever seen. Its embarrassing. These people are backwards and they don't even know it !
The only trouble I have ever seen at Wembley came from Utd fans
Re: Our Fans

Ducado said:
No trouble at all where we were sat, some bloke shouting in the first half that's about it, perhaps the thread title should read some of our fans? We have always had a few knob heads following us

None round me, either. Indeed, the gentleman behind me asked very politely whether I would remove my Mario chicken hat for the second half as he thought the sticky-up bits might obscure his view. I duly obliged, and no doubt played a part in three goals going in!!
No fighting, no invective, just a couple of well-mannered, well-brought up fans. Mind you, we are a couple o' FOCs!
gordondaviesmoustache said:
In the interests of balance I'd be grateful if any of our female posters could let us know if there was any sink-pissing going on in the ladies.

Very little sink-pissing. Lots of clothes swopping and a couple of pillow fights but generally correct usage of the toilet facilities...
Just a case of sitting on your hands for 90 mins, hard at times but if you wanna see your team that bad and for the full duration then it's sit down shut up, end of.
I was in 137 next to the tunnel in the corner. Didn't see any trouble and outside before and after the game was same. Sunderland fans were top and I spoke to plenty. Mainly about a mutual hate of Man U and their scummy fans. The bus to harlesden had city and Sunderland on and was rammed . Everyone had a laugh and Sunderland knew they had a good day out with a slim chance of winning.

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