Some Of Our Fans

What pisses me off is the continual procession of people passing backwards and forwards,blocking your view of the game.The FA should issue the urinal worshipers with a bucket.Up ,down like a whores draws.
CTID1988 said:
We slag off the rags for having scummy fans but ive never seen anything on par with the fucking dregs of society we have following us today. Coke being sniffed in full view of kids, wankers kicking off with other blues over fuck all, i even saw some little kid have his drink poured all over him by some fat wanker in "celebration". This was even before i had my face twatted in because some prick couldn't find his seat and thought i was sat in his
Im not soft either, i know what comes with football but today was a different level

Can I refer to this thread the "hug-a-blue" fucking moron, username mrt4919, from the cardiff thread who ridiculed my comments suggesting that all clubs, us included, have wankers following them.

Mcfc1901 said:
rick773 said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Get pissed,take drugs,piss in sinks .

Wise words.

Respect to anyone confident enough to piss in a sink after doing coke though. My unit isn't fit for public display after a sesh.
St. Helens you are never wrong are you?.. Grow up and go back to the rugby.

Not when it comes to my kid,no I am not. I do enjoy the rugby yeah,but much prefer the footy. 3 posts and being abusive-Says it all really
west didsblue said:
Just wanted to point out that I pissed in the urinals as there was a queue for the sinks.

You acting like a **** again when you've been on the beer? Who'd have thought...
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Mcfc1901 said:
rick773 said:
Wise words.

Respect to anyone confident enough to piss in a sink after doing coke though. My unit isn't fit for public display after a sesh.
St. Helens you are never wrong are you?.. Grow up and go back to the rugby.

Not when it comes to my kid,no I am not. I do enjoy the rugby yeah,but much prefer the footy. 3 posts and being abusive-Says it all really

best to let it go mate, some people have not got a clue about how protective a good dad is towards his kids and wanting to keep them from shit behaviour. You are not in the wrong here
Re: Our Fans

bobmcfc said:
blue by birth said:
bobmcfc said:
Sat in 538 and everyone was really great, had to stand for the entire game but wasn't too bad

I was in 538 and atmosphere was really good, no trouble but deffo had to stand most of the game. Thought Sunderland fans were great after the game no trouble and had to walk through loads of them to get where we were parked

Yeah we had to walk through the Sunderland fans after the game which was awkward but no trouble. I was sat on the very top row of seats in 538 so had an amazing view of everything and the people around me and my son were great

I was back row in 539, like watching it on a PS4 in overview.

Saw the trouble over in 544 but looked like handbags from where we were.

Nothing near us and everyone thoroughly enjoyed their day, hopefully more to come this season.
I don't think it's anything new, I just think there are more families, kids etc. going to games these days, and the taking drugs bit is just a bit more brazen, so it's noticed more, but certainly no more kick offs than there used to be.

I was surprised to see how many were doing coke in the bogs at half time for the final against Wigan without trying to hide it in any way, I'm under no illusion it has gone on at football for decades (I'm not even that offended as I've dabbled in the past but never at a game) but do think maybe 10/15 years ago it would be something done in a cubicle or hidden away more. Maybe people are less afraid of being caught, and once one bloke pulls out a bag everyone else with one does too, and then other blokes come over asking for some.

Maybe it's just that my dad kept me well sheltered as a kid during the 80's and I never noticed it going on, but there's always been a drinking culture with following City, especially away, and know I'm not alone when I go away from home that the first thought is to find a pub or offie. I've never kicked off with anyone, but seen it so many times due to people being absolutely wasted. It's a shame as most blues seem happy drunks, just want to have a laugh and a sing song, but there is certainly nothing new with blues getting wrecked and thinking they are Rambo.
Just to add to Toilet gate, was in Block 548, why were the nearby mens toilets all cubicles?? no piss stone at all. Meant longer queues.
Though to be fair when I went for a wank after nasri scored at least I had some privacy, wanking into sink would have just been undignified.
BringBackSwales said:
St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Mcfc1901 said:
St. Helens you are never wrong are you?.. Grow up and go back to the rugby.

Not when it comes to my kid,no I am not. I do enjoy the rugby yeah,but much prefer the footy. 3 posts and being abusive-Says it all really

best to let it go mate, some people have not got a clue about how protective a good dad is towards his kids and wanting to keep them from shit behaviour. You are not in the wrong here

I wish I had let a fucking good right hook go on Sunday pal after reading his so called justification pal. He got slapped by a few around him and didnt like it because his dad got all precious about the munich word.
He was a spotty little urchin anyway. Not gonna waste my breath anymore.
I will let the piss banter continue :-)
blueman68 said:
wanking into sink would have just been undignified.

I disagree - a Bluemoon bukkake booth would be a wonderful addition to our half time entertainment.
And it would stop folk hogging the cubicles knocking one out when I'm waiting to mainline crystal meth.
40 pages of introspective self-flagellation and recriminations - things were so much easier in the 80's when we were shit but nobody cared because we were all pilled up.

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