Some Of Our Fans

St Helens Blue (Exiled) said:
Mcfc1901 said:
rick773 said:
Wise words.

Respect to anyone confident enough to piss in a sink after doing coke though. My unit isn't fit for public display after a sesh.
St. Helens you are never wrong are you?.. Grow up and go back to the rugby.

Not when it comes to my kid,no I am not. I do enjoy the rugby yeah,but much prefer the footy. 3 posts and being abusive-Says it all really
Got to much to say . Not surprised you find trouble . You have a bad attitude , seen some of your post very aggressive .
Didsbury Dave said:
You can tell our fanbase has changed by the songs. I heard all of these in JJ Moons after the game:

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'll drink a drink a drink then piss in the sink the sink the sink, we're the beerheads of Man City
That's the greatest line of charley that the wooooooooooooooooooooord has ever seen

WE never win at home and we never win away
WE pissed all over the sinks today
We don't give a fuck coz we're all coked up

In 1963 we always pissed into the loo
The Stretford End cried out aloud, use the cubicles for a poo
Sheikh Mansour came, awe played the game, we did a line or two
And when we fill the sinks this year we'll sing this song for you.
That is one of the best posts I have ever seen on this forum, bravo.

Thanks my friend. I am glad my efforts weren't totally unappreciated ;-)
Interesting topic, as it potentially affects all of us..... For example Sunday's game, had a brilliant time in Trafalgar Square on the Saturday night, where we were vastly outnumbered by Sunderland fans, not one of whom made us feel uncomfortable at any stage, good banter but essentially, they reminded me of the majority of our fans, witty, charismatic, grounded, and friendly. Likewise pre and post match, no issues at all. Due to our allocation and loyalty points etc, my wife, my nephew, and myself were sat in different parts of the stadium. Not ideal, but at least we had tickets and were in for the game, a small price to pay.........My nephew told us that where he was sat, there were two well behaved Sunderland fans (dad with lad - aged 5??) who found themselves surrounded by Blues, not sure how they ended with the tickets, but none the less, they were keeping themselves to themselves. When Sunderland scored, the little boy cheered, the dad trying to contain his sons obvious excitement (and no doubt his own), conscious of not wanting any trouble etc. Sure enough, the moronic minority of our 'support' made a bee line for him, kid in tears - pushed, shoved, verbally abused, coins thrown (one of which narrowly missed my nephew's head), and not surprisingly, the kid was crying/ screaming with fear and terror. The good blues (my nephew included) took the baddies to task, but the damage had already been done. Don't know about you, but bullies who pick on easy targets are amongst the worst, dregs of society. What can be done about it? Difficult one, but I'd be interested if anyone thinks a bit of self policing would be beneficial. This incident happened near the half way line, where the seat prices were £72. Interested to know fellow Blues fans thoughts/comments on this matter, it's certainly nothing new I appreciate that, but wanted to raise the matter. CTWD
Didsbury Dave said:
Didsbury Dave said:
You can tell our fanbase has changed by the songs. I heard all of these in JJ Moons after the game:

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'll drink a drink a drink then piss in the sink the sink the sink, we're the beerheads of Man City
That's the greatest line of charley that the wooooooooooooooooooooord has ever seen

WE never win at home and we never win away
WE pissed all over the sinks today
We don't give a fuck coz we're all coked up

In 1963 we always pissed into the loo
The Stretford End cried out aloud, use the cubicles for a poo
Sheikh Mansour came, awe played the game, we did a line or two
And when we fill the sinks this year we'll sing this song for you.
That is one of the best posts I have ever seen on this forum, bravo.

Thanks my friend. I am glad my efforts weren't totally unappreciated ;-)
Ah, if you are looking for strokes, they made me smile.
awaydayblue said:
Interesting topic, as it potentially affects all of us..... For example Sunday's game, had a brilliant time in Trafalgar Square on the Saturday night, where we were vastly outnumbered by Sunderland fans, not one of whom made us feel uncomfortable at any stage, good banter but essentially, they reminded me of the majority of our fans, witty, charismatic, grounded, and friendly. Likewise pre and post match, no issues at all. Due to our allocation and loyalty points etc, my wife, my nephew, and myself were sat in different parts of the stadium. Not ideal, but at least we had tickets and were in for the game, a small price to pay.........My nephew told us that where he was sat, there were two well behaved Sunderland fans (dad with lad - aged 5??) who found themselves surrounded by Blues, not sure how they ended with the tickets, but none the less, they were keeping themselves to themselves. When Sunderland scored, the little boy cheered, the dad trying to contain his sons obvious excitement (and no doubt his own), conscious of not wanting any trouble etc. Sure enough, the moronic minority of our 'support' made a bee line for him, kid in tears - pushed, shoved, verbally abused, coins thrown (one of which narrowly missed my nephew's head), and not surprisingly, the kid was crying/ screaming with fear and terror. The good blues (my nephew included) took the baddies to task, but the damage had already been done. Don't know about you, but bullies who pick on easy targets are amongst the worst, dregs of society. What can be done about it? Difficult one, but I'd be interested if anyone thinks a bit of self policing would be beneficial. This incident happened near the half way line, where the seat prices were £72. Interested to know fellow Blues fans thoughts/comments on this matter, it's certainly nothing new I appreciate that, but wanted to raise the matter. CTWD

I find this more shameful than anything else on this thread. Well done to the blues including your nephew who stood up to these cowards.

We drank with lots of Sunderland fans both on Saturday night and Sunday, and they were sorted, as were the other City fans we met.
BlueT said:
awaydayblue said:
Interesting topic, as it potentially affects all of us..... For example Sunday's game, had a brilliant time in Trafalgar Square on the Saturday night, where we were vastly outnumbered by Sunderland fans, not one of whom made us feel uncomfortable at any stage, good banter but essentially, they reminded me of the majority of our fans, witty, charismatic, grounded, and friendly. Likewise pre and post match, no issues at all. Due to our allocation and loyalty points etc, my wife, my nephew, and myself were sat in different parts of the stadium. Not ideal, but at least we had tickets and were in for the game, a small price to pay.........My nephew told us that where he was sat, there were two well behaved Sunderland fans (dad with lad - aged 5??) who found themselves surrounded by Blues, not sure how they ended with the tickets, but none the less, they were keeping themselves to themselves. When Sunderland scored, the little boy cheered, the dad trying to contain his sons obvious excitement (and no doubt his own), conscious of not wanting any trouble etc. Sure enough, the moronic minority of our 'support' made a bee line for him, kid in tears - pushed, shoved, verbally abused, coins thrown (one of which narrowly missed my nephew's head), and not surprisingly, the kid was crying/ screaming with fear and terror. The good blues (my nephew included) took the baddies to task, but the damage had already been done. Don't know about you, but bullies who pick on easy targets are amongst the worst, dregs of society. What can be done about it? Difficult one, but I'd be interested if anyone thinks a bit of self policing would be beneficial. This incident happened near the half way line, where the seat prices were £72. Interested to know fellow Blues fans thoughts/comments on this matter, it's certainly nothing new I appreciate that, but wanted to raise the matter. CTWD

I find this more shameful than anything else on this thread. Well done to the blues including your nephew who stood up to these cowards.

We drank with lots of Sunderland fans both on Saturday night and Sunday, and they were sorted, as were the other City fans we met.

Seriously, blues or excuse when it comes to kids

I would have seriously slapped anyone threatening a child, that kid will remember his cup final in a negative light now...unacceptable
Blue Tooth said:
We'll piss in your sink
We'll piss in your sink
We're Man City
We'll piss in your sink

I was brought up to understand this is a behaviour reserved solely for hotels very far sighted by my tutors as the en suite hadn't been invented
Its a lottery nowadays at football, you might get lucky and sit among genuine good hearted passionate City fans or end up having a nightmare sitting amongst the dregs of society that shout the C word as their staple vocabulary. I've been bladdered before but have never thrown beer on kids and women and abused other people. I think its more to do with how your raised and whether you respect other human beings than just the alcohol. However, drink and poor morals don't mix together.

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