Sometimes I just love, love, love Red Cafe...

Previous poster was right it is definitely a case of sorting the wheat from the chaff like anywhere. There is opinions on there which are good even if they arent particularly praising towards us or anyone else at least they are fair and balanced.

Then there is others where the bias and lack of football knowledge is quite frankly frightening, some of them have already been posted on here. One which caught my eye was one that said tevez couldnt cope because he didnt like being surrounded by top class players.

That is one thing which bothers me about united fans or the majority of them. I have no problem with having belief in your team but it has be tempered by a decent dose of reality, no such thing is forthcoming with them, if u play for united u r the best player ever to lace boots end of story, rooney is the best striker in the prem, little pea will be the best striker in the prem, scholes can play for another 5 years because no one can get close to him. Its quite scary
Lordeffingham said:
Think I'll start going onto the red cafe all the time from now on, they sound like a great bunch of people and talk so much sense, lovely, decent and intellectual conversation.

Apart from the fact they are the scumiest set of cock sucking wankers that exist outside of a Taliban cave.

Would rather lance a lepers boil and drink the puss than visit that shitpit!

Creeping lowlife bastards!

The funniest post I've read on here. Take a bow
Just popped over there after reading this thread they are currently running 8 threads on there first page about us (AND WERE OBSESIVE) shall have to pop back and have a read the suspense is killing me
I am only allowed on the "newbie" forum at the mo. What are the chances of me getting enough posts to become a full member? Not great, I fear.
Why not just seriously put your opinion across. The place is fairly heavily modded so you've no chance of getting into the mains on a wind up (its also a bit sad isn't it?) In my experience they're happy to have rival fans as long as they're not there solely to take the piss (they've a leeds fan as a mod)

The caf's a good site with plenty of posters who know what their talking about and lots who can look at City with minimal bias. Of course like any rival forum with that many posters you'll have twats who dont know what they're talking about.
Buzzers said:
Why not just seriously put your opinion across. The place is fairly heavily modded so you've no chance of getting into the mains on a wind up (its also a bit sad isn't it?) In my experience they're happy to have rival fans as long as they're not there solely to take the piss (they've a leeds fan as a mod)

The caf's a good site with plenty of posters who know what their talking about and lots who can look at City with minimal bias. Of course like any rival forum with that many posters you'll have twats who dont know what they're talking about.
They've got another one now!

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