
BoyBlue_1985 said:
bluetonium said:
Still stand by it, he wasn't that bad, tried to dig himself out of some of it whilst the presenter was shoveling it on to him.

Now Lawro on the other hand, saw him this morning on BBC Breakfast and he looked like a lost little boy, throwing insults at City, praising Everton and begging for a favour, and holding back the tears. Beautiful.
He was practically dry bumming Toure last night on MoTD

Classic paranoid schitzoid ;-)
He's usually a very good, unbiased pundit.

He was just gutted yesterday and was spouting nonsense - we've all done that!
I also quite like Souness.
He has always bigged us up in the past and i think that yesterday was just a bit to much for his beloved Liverpool to take.
I loved his bitterness - he just lost it! He is normally fair about City when others jump on the band wagona nd give us a kicking, so I'll allow him that yesterday. That said he is supposed to be unbiased and objective! I thought he was going to have a heart attack! Lol
The Flash said:
CityFan94 said:
He's usually a very good, unbiased pundit.

He was just gutted yesterday and was spouting nonsense - we've all done that!

Hi Graeme!


He is usually a very good and unbiased pundit (along with Neville as the best on sky), hence why I'm defending him a little.

He's been really complimentary to us in the past.
To think a few little days ago I actually liked Souness!! What a complete and utter unprofessional twat!! He says we relied on Yaya too much yesterday of course Liverpool haven't relied on Suarez at all this year?? This people was sour grapes "AND ITS LIVE" as that other biased twat Tyler is fond of saying, Souness was in meltdown live on air getting sweatier and sweatier getting redder and redder!!! What must of really pissed him off was City's businesslike performance which was really hard to pick holes in because it was Businesslike simples!!!! What does he expect us to do? Like Liverpool at Norwich go 2-0 then get pegged back score a lucky as fuck goal to go 3-1 then get pegged back again to 3-2 and be hanging on for grim death??? Is that why your not a manager anymore Graeme? Or was it that somebody duped you on the phone into playing a pub player in a premiership game? You muppet!!! Just before the game at Anfield yesterday he said WE won't bottle it today and I expect Chelsea to be blown away, Oh! Graeme you should of listened to the big Irishman next to you who actually looked at the game objectively which he is paid to do!!!! If going away to a team who have just won 5 and are having their best finish in Premiership history and winning 2-0 isn't good then I know nothing about Football and my 30 years watching the game has been for nothing!!!
souness is one of the best pundits around, when he talks i want to listen.

as others have said, he lost his head a little bit yesterday, he was obviously was gutted about the dippers losing. i actually quite like it that he has a bit of passion for the dippers, so he should. i didnt appreciate the unnecessary calling of the teams desire though, that was totally uncalled for.

if we beat them its going to be beautiful watching all the old dipper players in suicide mode though :)
What a total Bitter little has been you are.Are you friends with Paddy @ The Swamp? hes as bitter as you-now go and help Stevie G Up after his slip yesterday

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