Southport | 9 year old girl confirmed as third victim

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There's always been stuff like this. Think back to footy hooligans in the 80s, the IRA, Hungerford, Dunblane, Catholic Priests, Huntley, Fred West, Saville and co. Its just that, with social media, and 24 hour news its now everpresent in the public conscious.
Long in the tooth to know that, but I guess you’re right. It’s present all the time now on the news. All i know is when the doors are shut, I feel relaxed.
One question for everyone here who lives in the UK is - do you feel safe? As for about the last 10 years I certainly flipping don't and I can't see a solution that wouldn't either be called far right or far left.

I live out in the sticks here and I absolutely love it but I’ve worked SE postcodes in London for last 2 years and it was strange feeling uneasy for the first time as a grown man
It was a different world than I’d grown up in up here
Both words may be true but could have very different connotations… let’s wait and see

This could be an innocent mistake or an attempt to mislead

I would be pretty sure that she made a point of saying he was “originally from Cardiff” to try and quell the nonsense on social media about him just rocking up on a boat.

When they saw that just resulted in Tommy and the boys claiming that “from” meant nothing, they clarified it by changing it to “born”

I highly doubt it was a mistake or an attempt to mislead.
Like I said. It's not a 'British' crime. Knives and kids is beyond our societal reasoning. I repeat, this is not a British crime.

That's absolute nonsense. What people want is the truth from all these attacks, and then we can move forward to preventing them.

Pussy footing around the racism outcomes and mollifying the minority is getting no-one anywhere. It's not a black and white issue (no pun intended) and there are many fences people sit on in the pursuit of their beliefs.
Knife crime is mentioned in Macbeth. Dunblane and Hungerford were British crimes although didn't involve knives so maybe your on to something. Would Britain be safer without the British?
One question for everyone here who lives in the UK is - do you feel safe? As for about the last 10 years I certainly flipping don't and I can't see a solution that wouldn't either be called far right or far left.
It's certainly not the country I grew up in in the 60s and 70s. Politicians of all persuasions in this country have never given a fuck.
I would be pretty sure that she made a point of saying he was “originally from Cardiff” to try and quell the nonsense on social media about him just rocking up on a boat.

When they saw that just resulted in Tommy and the boys claiming that “from” meant nothing, they clarified it by changing it to “born”

I highly doubt it was a mistake or an attempt to mislead.
It’s one of them because she didn’t say it.. It’s either a quote or it’s not…

Anyway.. We’ll find out which in the coming days I expect
I don’t comment often, but having not read the whole thread what I will say is the focus should be on the victims - as I live in the next road along from the incident and know several of the children and adults involved I think it’s important to keep this in mind - retribution and errors in wording will come in the next day or two - I know the outpouring of community support is completely focused on those affected with a huge amount of emotional out pouring which is still incredibly raw. Appreciate there are other avenues or aspects to pick over but surely the clear focus should be on the players incredibly young children who have lost their lives today.
It must be incredibly difficult right now. We are all deeply sorry for what your community has experienced today
Because cunts can't wait to point score over the left or the right. The right hope he is a Muslim so they can bang their drum and so do the left so they can bang their drum back at the right. Everything now is made political, it's turned the internet to shite and this forum with it. Call it for what it is.

Some absolute **** has murdered 2 children. Perhaps more. I'm fucking done.
Absolutely this. Anyone point scoring or politicising is a complete twat and usually cares the LEAST amongst all of us.

I know nothing about this having just got home but it sounds tragic, as terrible as the pyscho at that school years ago. I am glad they have caught him, he will get more justice than he bargained for.
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