Southport | 9 year old girl confirmed as third victim

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I can't find the words.

Fact is, this kid is 17. When I was 17 I knew some right rum twats. I might even have been one myself at times. But not one of us, not the biggest twat of all, would have harmed a little kid. When I was a little kid myself, my mate's big brother was a right dodgy sort. A Teddy boy. He might have given me a slap about the head if he thought I was being cheeky, but he was also protective. I well remember being 'sent home' by him when I was out on the street about 9 pm.

So I just can't get my head around this shit. The twat is either insane, in which case he'll be in 'hospital' probably forever. Or he isn't, in which case, at 17, he won't even get a full sentence. And for those nostalgic for the rope, back in the day, he wouldn't have been hanged either.

I have no answers. And I'm just glad I'm not PM or Home Secretary, for what you'd say to those parents without sounding like a trite bullshitter I can't think.

As for those trying to make political capital of this, in their own way, they are almost as big a twat as the twat himself. It's below contempt to try to stir trouble and maybe get other innocent people hurt.
I’ve always held the belief that anyone throughout history who commits such horrendous crimes have to be mentally ill , from Hitler and Stalin down to Hindley and Brady . Nobody can be sane and commit such atrocities. As I posted earlier these events will always happen worldwide .
I honestly feel like drinking myself into oblivion..I'm 50 and I wish I was 80 and not long left of this to long ago I felt a bit upset I never had children, fast forward a few years I'm glad I didn't
Anyone who has kids will be more upset about this despicable **** causing such murder madness grief and sorrow because it brings it home that it could be their children or mine.

I'm not thinking of what colour or religion he is, I'm thinking of those poor kids(and adults) fighting for life to be traumatised for life. I'm thinking of their families and friends suffering right now. And I'm thinking about those 3 kids that sadly died, it's just sickening. I have tears streaming down my face right now . RIP.
Fair enough but that is not how I read what you said.

Neither you or I know if he was troublesome, he may well have been a right bastard and problematic as a kid nd at school and that may have been dealt with, or or may not. But to say factually he was not troublesome is plain wrong in my opinion. Anyway lets not fall out over such a trivial matter at such an horrendous time. Peace.

No worries, all good. Peace.
It's the best and worst thing having kids.

Whenever there is something like this, I just cannot fathom how you ever get past it, how it isn't in your head replaying/imagining scenarios over and over again, forever.
As if it isn’t bad enough that so many children were attacked and two killed, by someone wielding a knife. What we or their families don’t need, is this tragedy to be highjacked for far right political motives. Ghouls feeding on heartbreak, that requires a certain type of utter loathsome ****. I actually found it too distressing to watch more of the reports last night. What the families and those other kids who witnessed it are going through, is beyond belief.

Have a bit of class, if you don’t possess class, pretend, or just keep you hate masquerading as concern to yourself. At the very least, go to a right wing racist group and knock yourselves out.

My heartfelt sympathy to all those poor children and their families.
Very well said
Will there be a point where they name him?

Don't know the protocol for this sort of thing, especially when it concerns youth perpetrators

Thompson and Venables were named eventually, although they were referred to as A & B at the time.
I would have thought 100% a judge will order release of his name after he’s been found guilty, doubt if his name will be released before that at least officially.
heres where I am...
I am not devastated, I am not shocked or surprised.
I will continue to walk the inner city MCR streets without fear or trepidation.
I will not be offering prayers, or hugging my children a little tighter tonight. Neither will I be fking about at an airport, bricking the local Mosque or attending candlelight vigils.

I accepted some time ago, that of any race creed or colour, some percentage of them are total cunts. Not evil, just cunts.
This is how it has always been, and how it always will be.
If one of my own was taken in this fashion, I would actively seek retribution.

Am I alone?..
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