Splitting the Bill

I’ve never known a restaurant to have a policy like the one described.
Times are hard for the hospitality industry and having a rule like that is massively counterproductive.
We tend to happily accept whatever custom and method of payment offered because, well, we like to stay in business.

I think I may have worded it badly and people have taken it differently to what I meant.

I’m not saying they had a problem with people paying their share of the bill separately. They weren’t insisting one person pays for it all in one transaction.

But when they’ve been asked at the start if they can do a bill for say the six people at the end, they’ve said they’re not keeping track on what individuals order. It’s one booking, so everything will be put on one bill and you can sort out who pays what. But the person who made the booking is responsible for paying whatever’s left when everyone has finished fannying about.

Is that what you thought I meant?
About twice a year we meet up with a group of a dozen ex work colleagues for a meal and a catch-up. All is very pleasant until the bill arrives.
Then invariably the waiter plonks a bill down for the whole table and the couples who have ordered three courses, including the most expensive mains suggest we just split it equally and then round it up for a generous tip.
Me and wifey don’t have huge appetites,so we just have 2 courses and relatively cheaper mains.
Any practical suggestions of a repeat performance at the next catch up?
You go for a meal, you have a great night; you eat well; you drink well; you see friends, colleagues you may not have seen for a while- and your whinging over a few quid? Get your hand in your pocket you tight ****.
This is the problem.

To be honest, I’ve gone through the ‘don’t be a tight arse and just split the bill angle’ and said I’m only paying for what me and Mrs have done. First I got stick , now everyone does the same.

Also - get whoever is organising to pre book what meal they want, and if anyone wants drinks then go to the bar separately for them if it caters for that.
Or, go out, enjoy the night, don’t worry who’s having a pudding and put your hand in your pocket. Go to the bar separately- ha ha ha fucking rubbish
You go for a meal, you have a great night; you eat well; you drink well; you see friends, colleagues you may not have seen for a while- and your whinging over a few quid? Get your hand in your pocket you tight ****.
Is the correct answer. Whenever I'm sitting in a group when the bill arrives, it's just split by the number of participants, add a 10-15% tip etc.

The annoying w-anchors are the attendees who ask for a split bill, 'cos they didn't order a drink, or a dessert etc, it's almost like the oxygen gets sucked out of the room when they open their mouths.

I'd univite anyone who starts a sentence with "Well we only had 2 courses of the cheaper options"......
A group of us meet annually. Always at a venue convenient for the same two to walk home from. They drink at least two bottles of wine each. I drive there, as do at least two others. We have a pint each. I split the bill once, it more than doubled what I had consumed. Next time I refused. The shit hit the fan but the other drivers told me they agreed with me afterwards. Since then we all pay separately.
You saved eleven quid. Well done

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