Splitting the Bill

I'm going with a group from the cricket club to the test later this month, one of the lads is going to book Zook Indian restaurant for one evening and Hawksmoor steakhouse for another, I am not fond of Indian food so have declined that one and looked at the menu for the steakhouse and declined it as well.
Probably looking at about £80+ each and as I am heading to Sunny Beach in September, and would probably have about 5 pints in me by the close of play, chicken and chips or gammon chips and a fried egg in spoons or Yates will be enough for me for a quarter of the price....
Fine dining isn't my thing, especially after a few beers
You can get chicken and chips in an Indian restaurant
As a golf group we eat out about 4 times a year, last one was an Indian in Llandudno a couple of weeks ago, as always we pay separately for the drinks (cash or card when the booze arrives) but always without exception split the bill between us regardless of what everyone's had.

We always leave a decent tip, usually around 15%, never a problem but we've got a great group who we socialise with at golf 2/3 times a week and no fall outs over money, ever.
Those taking advantage should stick their hand up and say they'll pay the tip.
I had this once where we went for a curry. We all pretty much had the poppudoms and bits with it and then the meal. Apart from one who ordered a starter and then chips on top of the curry and rice. And then fucking coffee after...... 6 of us all split it and gave her dirty looks when she said "that wasn't a bad price between us was it?"
We used to go for a meal every year with the cricket team I played for, at the end of the season.

I don’t really like mixing eating and drinking so I’d hardly eat anything but drink plenty and we’d always split the bill.

Then one year, the fanny who organised it, who’d ate half the menu and drank nothing but water announced half way through that this year we were splitting the food bill but paying for drinks individually.

So I tossed the tight arsed fucker £40 to cover me and my mate and we fucked off over the road to the pub.
When I worked as cabin crew,the pilots used to cane the wine and then expect everyone to split the bill.
About twice a year we meet up with a group of a dozen ex work colleagues for a meal and a catch-up. All is very pleasant until the bill arrives.
Then invariably the waiter plonks a bill down for the whole table and the couples who have ordered three courses, including the most expensive mains suggest we just split it equally and then round it up for a generous tip.
Me and wifey don’t have huge appetites,so we just have 2 courses and relatively cheaper mains.
Any practical suggestions of a repeat performance at the next catch up?
Ever heard the expression, “once bitten, twice shy”?
I hate going out my missus mates because the bill splitting at the end is painful. They are a bunch of tight arses, scanning over the bill and paying in exact change like uni students. Im all for fairness when it comes to splitting but fuck me, just round it up

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