Splitting the Bill

My kids invited me out for a Father’s Day meal a couple of years ago, which I thought was nice.

Not one of the fuckers brought any money with them. I basically bought myself a £200 burger for Father’s Day.

And then they didn’t have any taxi numbers so I might aswell order a couple of Ubers to get them home.

They seemed put out that I’ve been busy on that day for the last couple of years.
My kids invited me out for a Father’s Day meal a couple of years ago, which I thought was nice.

Not one of the fuckers brought any money with them. I basically bought myself a £200 burger for Father’s Day.

And then they didn’t have any taxi numbers so I might aswell order a couple of Ubers to get them home.

They seemed put out that I’ve been busy on that day for the last couple of years.
My mate got a £100 voucher for Hawksmoor for Fathers Day. His son, who bought it, went with them and ate and drank £115 worth and his dad paid.

That’s how you do it! ;)
About twice a year we meet up with a group of a dozen ex work colleagues for a meal and a catch-up. All is very pleasant until the bill arrives.
Then invariably the waiter plonks a bill down for the whole table and the couples who have ordered three courses, including the most expensive mains suggest we just split it equally and then round it up for a generous tip.
Me and wifey don’t have huge appetites,so we just have 2 courses and relatively cheaper mains.
Any practical suggestions of a repeat performance at the next catch up?
read the bill then transfer over your share to who ever pays
No matter who we`re with when out for a meal we always split it and this includes a tip. This is discussed prior to any scoff being thrown down our necks.
Never had any arguments with anyone. Swings and roundabouts, as some people have the larger priced meals whilst I`ll have a pint or two and they may have a pudding afterwards.
The waitress always asks us how we want to deal with the bill beforehand.
Six of us went out last week and we got three bills at the end.
Usually, if the waitress just brings one bill at the end (commonly known as a “clusterfuck”, I will just round up what our bill is and throw extra on the table.
Catching people put in less than they owe (resulting in a shitty tip for the waitress), generally ends up with the term, “cheap ****” getting thrown around.
No matter who we`re with when out for a meal we always split it and this includes a tip. This is discussed prior to any scoff being thrown down our necks.
Never had any arguments with anyone. Swings and roundabouts, as some people have the larger priced meals whilst I`ll have a pint or two and they may have a pudding afterwards.
Wow, I've not lived.

Not been a thing since my student days, and even then would rather err on the side of generous.
Usually split it between couples if just a normal night out. Special occasions, usually picked up by the persons partner or if a joint celebration, by the guests.

See there are a few Tommys in here.
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