Splitting the Bill

This is the problem.

To be honest, I’ve gone through the ‘don’t be a tight arse and just split the bill angle’ and said I’m only paying for what me and Mrs have done. First I got stick , now everyone does the same.

Also - get whoever is organising to pre book what meal they want, and if anyone wants drinks then go to the bar separately for them if it caters for that.
Whatever works for you guys
About twice a year we meet up with a group of a dozen ex work colleagues for a meal and a catch-up. All is very pleasant until the bill arrives.
Then invariably the waiter plonks a bill down for the whole table and the couples who have ordered three courses, including the most expensive mains suggest we just split it equally and then round it up for a generous tip.
Me and wifey don’t have huge appetites,so we just have 2 courses and relatively cheaper mains.
Any practical suggestions of a repeat performance at the next catch up?
Get new pals. Tell them you can’t make it this year, as you are on the shortlist for the Booker Prize, but you send your love.

Reminds me of a similar situation, my first time in Goa. We found a fantastic Chinese restaurant and took a group of people we had met, about 12. Food fantastic, great night, bill arrives and some wanker starts questioning it. The others said nothing, The guy who owns it, we had got to like, starts trying to take things off.

I look at my mate and without a word being said we walked to the other side of the table,

I asked what the problem was. **** told me. I looked at the bill, divided it by 12 and with drinks, was a fiver each. A fiver.

I said, your arguing and embarrassing the man and we have been here all night, great food and drinking the whole time? For a fiver and you’re haggling the guy. Have a fucking word with yourself. Turned to the wee guy, you’re taking nothing off. Everybody then agreed it was a good idea not to be cunts.

Needless to say, the **** never showed up again. Every cloud.
A group of us meet annually. Always at a venue convenient for the same two to walk home from. They drink at least two bottles of wine each. I drive there, as do at least two others. We have a pint each. I split the bill once, it more than doubled what I had consumed. Next time I refused. The shit hit the fan but the other drivers told me they agreed with me afterwards. Since then we all pay separately.
If I did drink two bottles of wine (not that I drink it) then I’d insist on putting a bit more in to compensate those who weren’t drinking much. That’s just basic manners.

All the old folk in my Manchester local would drink bitter and, when we did rounds, my lager was more expensive. Never once did it cause an issue.

I’ve a friend I owe lots of money to as he subbed me when I wasn’t working and a friend who owes me a few quid. It all balances eventually.
I'm going with a group from the cricket club to the test later this month, one of the lads is going to book Zook Indian restaurant for one evening and Hawksmoor steakhouse for another, I am not fond of Indian food so have declined that one and looked at the menu for the steakhouse and declined it as well.
Probably looking at about £80+ each and as I am heading to Sunny Beach in September, and would probably have about 5 pints in me by the close of play, chicken and chips or gammon chips and a fried egg in spoons or Yates will be enough for me for a quarter of the price....
Fine dining isn't my thing, especially after a few beers
I eat out fairly regularly with various friends. Not big groups, it has to be said. If I've invited them (although there are some people who just refuse to be invited, they often insist on paying the lot, which in itself can become embarrassing) then I pay the lot. If they've invited, they pay. That seems normal. Otherwise, we split it, without further ado.
I had lunch with my old business studies mentor in Hereford a few Saturdays ago. He became a friend over time and insisted on paying. Even the second pint I had over his one. When we go out again, I’m paying. End of.

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