Spurious Claim to Fame

I've met two different blokes who both humped Princess Diana. Charles was one and Will Carling was the other. He was my platoon commander, nice enough bloke. His brother Marcus however was an abject cünt.
John Lydon once dedicated a song to me at a PIL gig in the early 80's. I've no idea if he humped Diana.
Years ago Pierce brosnan came into the kitchen I was working in . I got introduced by the head chef as I held a black bag of spinach in my right hand. Pierce put out his right hand to shake hands with me , so I offered my left. He must have thought I was a special case

Also happened to stand next to bobby Charlton when he was in the nip............ I was getting his autograph in the dressing room
The family tree on my mother's side goes back to a cousin of and therefore I suppose across to Lord Nelson. I think this was something that folk did in the Victorian times, though you never do know. There is no record of his fingering antics...

To be fair it was a lot harder for him to do it and when he tried he usually missed.
My brother in law was working at the Hilton in Toronto many years ago. One day the door lift opened and John Travolta stepped in

A lad i went to college with was going out with a girl who’s family lived in Croydon next door to Ian Wright when he played for Palace

There was a couple who used to live across the road from my parents and the woman’s sister was going out with Terry Phelan before he joined us. They used to visit quite often. When they moved another couple moved in and the woman’s brother was Tommy Booth and he used to visit quite often as well
My cousin went out with Ian Curtis (see Ian Curtis thread)

Had a piss in the directors lounge bogs at Maine Road with Dave Bassett

Ian Dowie came to sit at my table in terminal whilst having a swifty en route to Menorca

I’m on the front page of the 20 years of the premier league brochure after the QPR game

Neil Young (the man himself) rang me at home about coming to our supp club meeting
Used to walk home from school with actress Jane Ashbourne


Since found out my now brother in law was dating her at the time :/

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